
Summerslam - Cena vs. Batista?

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Decent match, better than most could've expected I'd say. Hopefully the superman Cena gimmick is over. It seems they're very slowly trying to push him back into thuganomics perhaps? with all this Cryme Tyme and CTC stuff, I'd say it's the right move. Most fans don't like Cena anymore or ever did, but can agree he's better at the mid-card level than Title Push. He had the title for over a year and it's time to give others their moment in the spotlight.

Also why are they pushing this "3 seconds better" stuff for batista? It seems even though they let Batista win, they wanna sugarcoat Cena's loss. Don't most matches end because the opponent was just 3 seconds better?




  1. It seems to me that the fans remeber that Cena had held the wwe championship for almost a year, and forget that he hadn't held the title for over a year now!

    And thanx God that smart people like are noticing a difference in Cena's gimmick and praising him instead of just finding new excuses, so I appluad you...


  2. He fits the mid-card league. He should stick there until he gets his fans back. It will be the right move for wwe to make him more popular. He has been in title pushes way too long now. Some of us are getting tired of it. He needs to win less, too.

    I guess its a way to coninue on their fued. Or its just a fancy name. Not a big deal though.

  3. That match sucked they need 2 firer them 2 steroid taking f*ggots n bring back the attitude  

  4. I agree that it was an overall good match. I actually thought Summerslam was good unlike most people. I rated it an 8. As for Cena going into that old h**l rapping stage, eh, not good. I like him good just maybe he should be IC champ or something. There are so many other people that deserve to be WH champ. And for Batista's winning being sugar coated... I'm not suprised that they are doing that because they see him as a main attraction although I think he honestly isn't even that good in the ring or on the mic.


  5. The match was ok i, but i didn't expected a win from batista! the only exciting match was the h**l in a cell and triple h vs the great khali. jeff vs mvp was good tho nut i hated the ending i started crying when jeffy lost the match Thanks to Shelton Benjamin.

  6. u know what u have got that spot on, i went on and i saw about 3 seconds better?!?! i thought wtf.. no matter what they will never put people over cena, i remember when Triple H owned him and they never talk about that, i am not a huge batista fan but he carried cena just like Triple H did, im sorry cena fans ( most under 14) but the guy is a midcarder at best, he was pushed to early and i feel wwe is now realising what the lack of skills he has...

  7. ya it was ok the overall ppv was 4/10

  8. It was a boring match and no way should it of been on after the main title matches.

    I don't know why they was saying all that 3 seconds better c**p, I mean they might as well of just said, "Cena by far was better tonight and Batista got the lucky 3 count" It sucked that they said that.

    It was like Batista got the win by luck or something.

    During other matches it's like, So and so was the better man tonight but with Cena, It's like Batista was 3 seconds better, Its stupid

  9. Holly c**p how many times are we going to hear about Cena and Batista Summerslam match? what happened is that batista knocked some senses into cena last night...Cena always think he's the better man but always ends up loosing match like that...I thought he would have learn a lot after triple h beat him senseless. But seems like Cena is hardheaded  and somebody has to really knock him out like Batista did last night.    

  10. Yes, I thought it was a well done match. Almost everyone taught it was going to be boring. But, it turned out to be great. I had never seen Batista do so many submission moves. It was pretty interesting when I saw Batista and John Cena both kick out of each others finishers. I had thought it was over when Batista delivered the Batista Bomb out of nowhere. But, John Cena had the energy to kick out.

    I agree Batista was 3 seconds better. I have never seen that, maybe they wanted to make John Cena look good even though he lost.

    Maybe they are giving John Cena a losing streak. When was the last time you saw John Cena pin someone at a PPV. I don't think he has since his return at The Royal Rumble.

    Either way, I still enjoyed most of the match. Batista was not as boring as he usually is an John Cena did more than 7 moves.

    Summerslam ratings 8/10

  11. I agree with the 3 seconds better thing, it makes no sense. And yeah I think the doctor of thuganomics gimmick might return. I think that Summer slam was maybe a 7/10.  

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