
Sun Screen and horses??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my horse has a white nose and lately I've noticed that it is being sunburned while she is outside. I was wonderin if I could use just regular sun screen, or is it dangerous to horses?? Do I really need to go out and buy special horses sun screen or is regular sun screen fine??

Thanks in advance :]




  1. Using regular sunscreen is totally fine. My horse also has a pink nose and I use people sunscreen on her and have had no problems. Make sure to use a high SPF so that it blocks as much sun as possible and make sure to rub it in or else the horse will just rub it off while eating grass.

  2. I use people sun cream,

    also put a fly mask on him with a nose flap bit on it

  3. Terrified my horse would get melanomas on his baby bottom pink nose that was getting burned when I first got him 4 years ago, I set off on a trial and error journey of what works best. First, a long nose crusader fly mask with the UV protection screening you can find online for daytime turnout is awesome. Second, go to walmart and buy the zinc oxide cream/sunscreen that comes in the small round jars and paint your horse's nose before you ride or whenever she's not in the cursader mask. I tried a bunch of suncreens and have found the zinc oxide sun protection screens work the best; brand doesn't matter.

    I ordered mine in warmblood size so it covered his nose. Have had NO problems for 4 years. ADD: And the no ears style - for some reason, the ones with ears by Crusader are always shorter.

    ADD:  (sunscreen)

  4. fly masks with nose flaps work.. .and you can definitly use human regular sunscreen- make sure u lather it really good- i have a paint tha has a white nose too and her nose tends to turn pink in the summer time if i dont put sunscreen on!!!!!! (:

  5. I use regular sunscreene and my horse is fine. actually everyone uses human sunscreene when needed. It work for both ends becuase if you get to the barn in the blistering heat you can use it for you too. LOL

  6. i have a grey horse and his nose does the same thing. I just use regular old sun screen(the vet told me to do this) and it worked great!! I have even noticed that his nose is actually starting to tan lol!!! If it gets really bad then I use this ointment for horses called corona ointment and it is like magic for any type of sun burn, small cut or other irritation.

  7. You can defintly use human sunscreen....BUT if you do start using it then your going to have to keep using it because your horses skin will get adapted to and will always keep having to use it. =] hope this helps a little

  8. yeah you can use it. i put it on my horse every morning and it loooks good

  9. Yes you can use the human stuff no problem, just use one with a high SPF like a kiddies' one.

    I have to do my boys nose ( and he is a mega wuss about it !!)

  10. You can use human sunscreen, but Quic Shade is a good equine sunscreen if you want one specifically for horses.

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