
Sun conure!!!!!!?

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im getting a sun conure in 20 days i cant wait!i have been researching online for about a mounth now and im well prepared.i know wich one im getting already its at the store.i fell realy bad for it its all alone its plucking its feathers i dont thinks its been touched or played with in mounths poor thing :(.but in 20 days i plan on getting bad thing it bites...but it dont scream thats on the + side is there anyway to get it to stop biting?




  1. If the conure is plucking its feathers, there may be a chance that once you bring it home, it'll keep on plucking. If that's the case, be prepared to take it to the vet to see if its something more serious.

    For the biting issue, most pet stores sell bad tasting sprays that you can put on your hands. This will discourage biting. You could also offer the conure bird treats from your hand. He may decide that he'd rather chomp on the treat, & that your not so bad after all :) Be patient though. It may take a while.

  2. The more time you spend with it, the less likely it will be to bite you.  Good for you for adopting an animal that is not perfect - a rescue animal, if you will.  Just be sure to spend enough time with it and it will stop plucking out it's feathers as well as stop being nippy.  If it's been neglected as much as you say, it's no wonder it bites humans.

  3. By the sounds of things it isn't in perfect condition. I hope you have had experience with other birds before because these irds sure can be a handful. Plucking can sometimes take days or even years to overcome, try and get the best help you can from all the vets around you!!! Like some others said, some stores will provide some types of sprays to prevent biting, please do not wear gloves though as these do tend to scare the bird.

    Congratz on the new addition which you will have for MANY years to come!
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