
Super Heroes by the Zodiac?

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What sign would most likely chose to be a Super Hero?

What sign would spend hours/ days designing a costume?

What Sign is Your Favorite Super hero?

Your Sun too, please =)




  1. Hmm...Well, I don't think there can really be an accurate answer going by sun sign alone, but I'll answer just for fun.

    #1. I'm going to go with Aquarius. The ones I know are always concerned about the world, and dedicated to making a difference.

    #2. Leo...Very creative and dedicated to what they do. They like to look their best, and be the star, so they will work hard to achieve the best results. If not Libra, as they are very artistic and good in the field of design and fashion.

    #3. I don't really have a favorite Super Hero.

    lol all-do: Don't trust this Libra. ; )

    Or if you see your parents die...You go on an angry rampage and destroy everything instead. Make everyone pay for your loss, haha.

    You know me, always the rebel. Besides...People annoy me, lol.


  2. Best kind of question for this section. Fictional characters with impossible powers. Stereotyped by made-up concept with unprovable powers. Works for me.

    Okay. My favorite is Battle Pope, a for real comic book. "When he's not leading Mass, he's out kicking @$$!" He got his powers from God!

  3. i think scorpio would likely be a super hero.

    i think leo or pisces would spend hours/days designing a costume.

    my favorite super hero is wonder woman. i think she was a cap.

  4. Lol, i love batman!!!!!!! can't wait for July 18.... he's so cool and has a good sense of fair and justice .... like libras.... definitely i would like to see a Libra superhero, i would trust him.... and he or she would design an artsy costume that would be also cool....

    lol rachstar, but something very bad needs to happen to you like seeing your parents dying because of a murder or something like that, to then begin fighting for justice LOL.... (the one who didn't watch batman begins)

    everyone!!!? :s that would be crazy at least everyone that looks like the killer :s.... you definitely would be the villain!

  5. Sagittarius just for their adventurous nature...they would go to the far reaches of the galaxy if they needed to and be happy to do so! Thay can also be insightful and empathetic....thus the desire to do good! Although they can be careless, this would be their weakness....they would be quick to act and probably land into a trap!

    I bet a Leo would spend tons of time on the costume- very proud in nature they would be sure to have a powerful appearance to instill fear....and be attractive at the same time!....It wouldn't be surprising if they updated it from time to time as well....LOL

    My favorite superhero has always been Wonder Woman! Have no clue as to what her sign is....but I bet it would be Sag!

    Sun/Sag   ;)

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