
Super glue on kitchen worktops?

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can onyone help my children were playing in the kitchen and they got superglue all over the worktops, does anyone know what i can do to remove it, to our friends around the world i live in the uk and dont want to travel for a solution, please save some childrens lives




  1. Nail varnish remover, test a small area first.

  2. anything acertone based, nail varnish remover as someone else said or expanding foam gun cleaner

  3. Here in the USA, you can get a 'cold spray' for First Aid purposes... which is very handy in not only numbing injuries, hehehe, but also in removing glue, gum and wax.  Spray it onto the area, and use a plastic putty knife to scrape it off.  The freezing action usually causes it to just pop off entirely, or to flake off in pieces, without damaging the material under it.

    Ive used cold sprays to remove super glue from hard surfaces, and gum and wax from carpeting and tile.  I prefer the cold spray to ice cubes because it brings the object sprayed down in temperature faster, and without the melted water running all over the place, hehehe.

    Here is a link to a UK supplier of the same type of product, look at the 'freezing sprays' -

    Another option is to use a solvent.   Acetone is one such chemical often used to remove superglue, and other adhesives.  Many nail polish removers contain acetone.  You have to be careful with acetone.... it is a solvent.  While it will not hurt a laminated surface, it WILL strip a painted surface, or 'bleach' stain a textile product, like carpet, or clothing, as well as strip a finished surface, like wood.  Ive used quite a bit of acetone over the years, as a woodworker, to strip old finishes, remove adhesives, etc.  Remember, its flammable.  You may also find it dries out your skin...if so, use a little hand lotion afterwards.

    Good Luck

  4. I dont know how well this works never having tried it but I have heard that if you leave ice cubes over the area concerned, it just cracks off.

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