
Super low cal snacks?

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Looking for ED girls' opinions especially. I'm going back to school soon, and I want to make sure to have good snack foods - ex: SF jell-o, light yogurt, ice cubes, certain raw veggies, rice cakes, iced tea, etc. Any recommendations?




  1. Fruits and veggies are the best snack ever!

    Sometimes sugar free gums are good too...


  2. 90 calorie chewy bars

    non fat yogurt

    quacker rice cakes



    green peppers

    why would you put iced tea? it has high fructose corn syrup in it

    cold water instead, it burns more calories,

    eat celery, burns more calories chewing it than it is consuming it

    last but not least, green tea. it helps burn calories.

  3. I'm sorry, but when i saw this i freaked out.

    Ice cubes as a Snack?!

    Are you crazy? that's like drinking water.

  4. Celery! Even with a little peanut butter is good.

    Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, plums, apples, peaches..basically any fruit except bananas..but you should still eat bananas occasionally for the vitamins and nutrients but not everyday because its not the lowest in calories.

    Some plain crackers or one sheet of graham crackers. Yogurt. Hot chocolate is also good because it fills you up because is hot..but then again, green tea is better.

    Quakers weight control oatmeal..its very filling and has lots of fiber and its only about 160 cals..that's pretty small for breakfast or another meal.

    1 egg with toast.

    Campbells soups on the go..the chicken and stars is only 70 cals and its filling!

    If you like sushi, have a little bit of that or just sashimi (the raw fish with no rice) and if you like japanese food, eat edamame! They're so good and healthy too!

    Salad with light dressing..or a small veggie wrap.

    Also just drink LOTS of ice cold fills you up and burns cals by keeping your body warm!

    There's so much more but hope I helped for now. =)
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