
Supernatural powers?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not crazy or anything but i dp have the feeling i have supernatural powers maybe i don't, i don't know. Well when i was about 8 or 9 i was staring at an electric cable then it started moving a bit it kinda scared me, then i went to the toilet for a shower i was looking at my towel and it moved a bit, can someone explain please.




  1. You would have to come up with a few more happenings than that before you could convince me that you had, and I'm a believer.

  2. Well

    that's not supernatural powers

    Some people have the capability to control things with the power of their mind

    But before telling ur friends thst u can do it just think carefully can u really move things or it was just the impact of the fiction that u see in movies and cartoons

  3. maybe u have mice.... and who the heck goes to the toilet to shower?!?!?!??! trust me U DONT HAVE SUPER POWERS!! lol

    check out

  4. I believe that sort of stuff exists. I wouldn't call it supernatural though. You have to realize that the average person uses only 11% of their brain. Think what could be possible with the other 89%. I get what people call deja vu but it is mouch stronger than that. Something happens and I know that I dreamt about it. Call it what you want.

  5. Then I must be like Wonder Woman.

    Because when I get about 3 margaritas in my system, I can make the whole room spin!

  6. you should go see a guy called Dr. Mohindur Seresh, he lives somewhere in NYC I think... idk but if you see this guy anywhere start running FAST...

  7. you could have telekinesis.

  8. The depth of your delusion is truly supernatural.  The only people who only use 10 percent of their brain are paranormal believers.

    (don't worry, the website is aimed at a childs level intellect)

  9. I dont want to freak you out or anything but i've had things like that happen to me and eventually i started waking up in the middle of the night hearing talking and laughing and seeing faces. Im not sure u have the same problem but i talked to my parents and they felt that some type of scray spirit was attrackted to me so i had my friends bishop come and give me a blessing which worked for me  

  10. It's possible. You have to eliminate physical explanations.

      Here's another experiment. Get a piece of styrofoam ,or other material for a base. .Push a pencil up thru it so that the point is pointing up. Balance a plastic cup upside down on the pencil point. (hard part)...find a clear glass bowl or dome shaped object , and place it upside down over the whole thing .Be careful not to knock the cup off. This is to keep out air currents. You might want to mark lines on the sides or numbers along the rim of the cup , and / or fashion a pointer,perhaps another pencil so you can see if it turned.

    With the bowl in place  try to mentally move the cup . Good luck . These kinds of things exist , but they are rare. You may be a lucky one.  

  11. Look first for physical explanations -- the towel?  Air currents.  Electric cable?  Well, cable or cord -- cable is the stuff up between the power poles; again, air currents.  Cord of the floor in the house?  Mice (as previously suggested), the cat if there is one, something else being moved that tugged on that cord you were watching....

    Set up an experiment -- preferably with someone else, and both of you take both roles -- get a notepad and a die.  First, roll the die at least 600 times and record each result to get an idea if it favors one side over another.  Then, roll it a minimum of 6000 (six thousand) times over the course of a few days and record each result -- but try to influence it.  Concentrate on the number that came up LEAST in the "base set."  Write this number at the top of the page for reference.  If you do this with other people, try to have a different colored die for each.

  12. Supernatural powers by definition do not exist...
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