
Surfing please help!!!!?

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i was just invited to go surfing with my friend he surfs a lot hes gonna teach me but say i wanna like take this seriously im a good swimmer by the way. What should i watch out for and what are the "tricks" please help




  1. um i dont have a big answer for you but ill tell you what i know.  um stay out of the way of people. dont hog waves or else people will get mad. when you get on a wave make sure nobodys in your way. watch how you handle your surfboard.

  2. well ya if you surf in Florida you need to be aware of rays. they blend into the sand and if you step on one you have a hospital trip pretty likly.

    but with respect to John F in most cases surfers don't get stung because we go out alttle more.

    i was in florada once and they closed the dam beach cause there was so many rays! so watch out for those.

    if you buddy is any good he will show you the way. it's really hard to give people advice with out seeing them???

  3. watch for sharks!

  4. there are no tricks this is pure ability first wave knowledge is everything in this sport takes time to get it and don't let him try to teach you on a 5-2  at least 8-0 good luck grom

  5. if your at a dodgy beach watch out for blue bottles lol. ;)

    Try to catch a wave before it breaks.

  6. Watch out for stingrays! If you are just learning you are probably going to be close to the shore in the "soup" Be sure to shuffle your feet to avoid stepping on the rays. Not a whole lot of "tricks" just takes a lot of practice to build your core strength to give you stability.

  7. don't worry about moves and hazards depend on your location

  8. Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. Be sure you are a good ocean swimmer, pool swimming is great, but it's a different set of skills. After you  master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards. Listen to your friend, and have fun.

    I taught my dog "Tricks" and magicians do "tricks" surfers do different moves and maneuvers. Believe me, in one session, you will be lucky to have learned how to catch a wave and stand up, so don't worry about doing any moves. Just have fun. If you really like it, get your pal to take you out again. You'll get  better every time. Think about lessons, and maybe even buying a board, but then again, I'm getting way ahead. Enjoy!

    I had to add this (sorry)..... I don't know where the first answerer surfs, but in 42 years, and surfing half-way round the world,  I've never walked on a ray. ( I did 'swim' at stingray city on a vacation once!). Watch what you read on line!

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