
Survey. USA or China?

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Who would you prefer to get the most medals in the Olympic? China or USA? Why?




  1. Free Tibet

  2. China already has more GOLD medals.

  3. usa

  4. I'd go by the 3 points for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze.  I think that is the fairest system.  That would put the US and China very close right now.  

  5. India!

  6. usa

  7. Japan

  8. Who cares.The two most idiotic countries of the world.go to h**l.

  9. I would rather see Afghanistan win than China.

  10. I only care about the US mens basketball team bringing the gold back home

  11. Great Britain!

  12. My friend, in one word USA, USA, USA. Why? Because, this country has the best facilities in the world.

    Good luck

  13. USA USA USA...Probably coz i live in this country

  14. USA because that's where im from.  We used to be dominate but then china came and took it from us this games.  Why? because they spent billions of dollars on their athletes alone and have a stronger drive then the americans.  Wake up America!!! to be on top you have to work for it! you gotta get out there and work your butt off till you cry, hurt, bleed, and suffer because there's no gain without pain!Stop being content watching the athletes on TV. Stop eating junk food. Sstop getting obese.Stop failing school.Stop hurting our future generation.We can't dominate without people willing to give it their all. I know not all americans are like that but a huge percent are. The word american used to mean brave, defiant, hard-working, driven, proud, dominant, strong, free, smart, innovative.  now it seems that American means just the opposite except for the few of us in this country.  And now us few are getting screwed because being labeled American is something a shamed by the rest of the world.  If you keep up guess what? forget youre dominance in anything except ER rooms for heart attacks.

  15. This is all going to be down to a matter of personal opinion.  No one's right or wrong unless they try to overlook their ignorance and state "facts."

    As a Chinese-American, I would theoretically have a hard time choosing between China and the U.S., but I never have looked at the U.S. flag with pride.  I've always seen myself as Chinese, and have been told that I act Asian.  Thus, I have been cheering for China the whole way.

    EDIT:  Wow.  Not to insult Americans in general, but some Americans complain that there are more whiny foreigners than whiny Americans on Yahoo Answers?  Excuse me?  What's wrong with me stating that my opinion is simply my opinion and I get these ridiculous thumbs down numbers?

  16. Uh USA....because we didnt cheat by posing our 5yr old gymnasts as 16 yr olds...oh and because the USA is BAD A-S-S!!

  17. usa more medals, but china more gold medals which IMO its a more impressive stat.

    edit: Boo all you want, a gold medal is much harder to get.

  18. CHINA PR.

  19. No offense to American Athlete!

    But many American are dirty sore losers and glory hunters!

  20. Spain.

  21. USA!!

  22. Don't care. I just want my countries athletes to do the best they can. That's what this thing is all about anyway...
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