
Survey; What are you squeamish about?

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Survey; What are you squeamish about?




  1. i am only squeamish about stiches cause i have had them and they are horrible and scary but anything else that might be on the tv like blood or surgery or whatever im fine

  2. Blood.

  3. nothing really.

  4. Jurassic park bugs at Florida rest stops that  try to get in my car.....P.S one thing I'm not squeamish about is shots from medical places,I actually enjoy them it makes me feel cool like a brute.

  5. Blood doesn't bother me but the other "stuff' really grosses me out.  

  6. Seeing my own blood.

    Shots, getting blood taken.

    (I faint!)

    Other then that I'm really not bad with anything

  7. Blood and guts....


  8. Bugs, spiders, mice, rats, possums, seaweed.

  9. Snakes & Bees.

  10. bad smells

    annoying noisez

  11. Sea food, spit, p**p,pee,bugs,sweat,bees,ect.

  12. boogers-oh gross, I could think about them and heave my guts out. I will throw up if I see them.

    Spiders and ugly bugs make the nerve in my neck twitch so as my neck winds up kinking.

  13. bugs, slugs, worms. Mice...ew.

    Rats ...and people eatting weird possum...goat...deer..makes me shiver.  

  14. Spiders

  15. people who crack their back, toes, knuckles, etc. ugh! also, the fact that people actually pee in pools. and when mosquitos bite me.

  16. I hate it when styrofoam rubs together! I dunno it sounds so awful!!!

  17. blood and insides!! :P  

  18. forget blood and creepy crawlies.

    im scared of.. illnesses.

    if anything comes on the tv about like cancer or pnemonia or something i like throwup.

    and any weird textures. i went on the coral reef in australia on a glass bottom boat and puked into a bag the whole time. :[

  19. rats

  20. Slugs  <shiver>

  21. stupid biology teachers. argggg! mateee!

  22. Vomit, bugs, and chalk.

  23. Vomit & p**p (not mine or my kids), blood, open wounds

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