
Surveyyyyyyyyyyy (:?

by  |  earlier

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very random!

Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser?

Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones?

Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet?

Do you think rehab is for quitters?

When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it?

big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)?

live-action or animated?

Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you?

Britney - rate or slate?

Which is better, thick crust or thin?

pringles or cheeto's?





  1. Both

    Old school


    Its for the weak who can't beat it with will power.


    Big mac


    There isn't an awesome one, so none.




    Good one

  2. early riser and night owl-cant decide which...

    normal toothbrushes available in shops



    after a certain time i shake

    big mac


    um i dont know names,but probably the eldest?i dunno...

    no comments



  3. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser?: Early Riser

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones?

    old school Manual ones

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet?


    Do you think rehab is for quitters?

    no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... *is mad now*

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it?no, it never happened

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)?

    easy mac

    live-action or animated?

    animated :D

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you?


    Britney - rate or slate?


    Which is better, thick crust or thin?


    pringles or cheeto's?

    Cheeto's :D  

  4. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser? night owl i love parties

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones? i use the manual ones, i had a electronic but i got shocked from it lol

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet? nah i hated it

    Do you think rehab is for quitters?  nope, its a secret place that supplies more drugs

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it? i kick itt

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)? easssyy mac!!

    live-action or animated? live action

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you? um i only know sleepy lol

    Britney - rate or slate? i love britneyyy spearss

    Which is better, thick crust or thin? deep crustt

    pringles or cheeto's? cheettosss

  5. Night owl or Early Riser- all depends

    Toothbrushes              - all depends

    Pluto                          -yah

    Rehab                        -all depends

    Vending Machines       -who meee? sure as chit

    Big mac/easy mac       -all depends

    live action/animated      - live action all the way

    7 Dwarfs                      -Happy but sleepy

    Britney                        - Looser/druggy/but sings good

    Crust                          -  all depends

    pringles/cheeto's          - cheeto's

  6. 1. Early Riser

    2. Old School Toothbrush

    3. No

    4. I don't know

    5. Kick

    6. Easy Mac

    7. Live-Actioned

    8. I don't know

    9. I don't know

    10. Thin

    11. Pringles

  7. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser? Night Owl

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones? i go old school

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet? YES!!

    Do you think rehab is for quitters? no

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it? lol thats never happened to me, but if it did i'd be pretty pissed

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)? ew neither, i like homemade mac and cheese:)

    live-action or animated? depends on my mood

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you? sleepy! hahah

    Britney - rate or slate? ?

    Which is better, thick crust or thin? thick crusttt

    pringles or cheeto's? pringles  

  8. most definitely a night owl.

    the fancy spinny ones.

    yes, very much so.


    most def.

    easy mac, i'm a veg-head.







  9. Night Owl

    Old Fashioned


    Not at all

    I freaking hit that d**n machine

    Big Mac

    Live Action



    Think Crust


  10. 1. lil bit of both...night owl more

    2. old school

    3. I could care less

    4. nope...deff not

    5. depends how bad I want it...prolly no

    6. easy mac

    7. live-action

    8. SLEEPY!

    9. in the middle

    10. thick crust

    11. Pringles ofcourse

  11. haha neither XD

    fancy toothbrushes

    yes!! i miss cute little pluto


    yes i do! fall d**n candy fall!

    big mac please

    animated is much better

    euh neither


    thick crush!

    pringles yum

  12. definitely

    the old fashioned ones

    nope, i think i'll get over it

    it's for starters

    i beat it to a pulp

    big mac, gotta love that special sauce

    live action


    she's nasty



  13. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser?

    night owl

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones?

    the manual ones, fancy ones dont last

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet?

    nope, if it doenst want to be around us, i dont wont to be around it

    Do you think rehab is for quitters?

    no, its for losers who wont quit

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it?

    lol yes

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)?

    neither, hate mcdonalds and cheese

    live-action or animated?

    animated, with today's technology, its looks real plus more blast to it

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you?

    never heard of them

    Britney - rate or slate?

    rate? i dunno

    Which is better, thick crust or thin?


    pringles or cheeto's?


  14. yayyyyy! (:

    Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser?

    -night owl? ima night FREAK. :D

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones?

    -honestly, both. haha. i use my regular one more..

    (its made out of all organic..stuff!)  

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet?

    -yes! it had the cutest name. (:

    Do you think rehab is for quitters?

    -not exactly..i think they realized they need more help then they can give themselves..

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it?

    -haha. yeah, im the lame person everybody stops and laughs at! (:

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)?

    mmmmm, BOTH. i love to eat.

    live-action or animated?


    Which of the Seven Dwarfs best describes you?

    Dopey..of course.

    Britney - rate or slate?

    ummm, dont get it..sorry. ha.

    Which is better, thick crust or thin?

    thin. i can eat more slices that way! haha.

    pringles or cheeto's?


  15. Both

    Old school - I have braces. xD

    Not really. It's kind of depressing. I mean, that's like going up to JK Rowling and telling her she stole the idea of Harry Potter. =/

    Nope - I think it's for the strong.

    I'll hit it a few times, then give up. Obviously, the Fates didn't want me to eat it.

    Big Mac?


    Not sure... Doc, maybe? I'm not quite familiar with those guys.

    What? I don't get this one.. xDD

    Hand tossed, actually. But it depends on my taste, I like to do different things as much as possible.

    Pringles sound good right now..

  16. night owl

    fancy toothbrushes!



    no i say "s***w this"

    easy mac






    hahaha this was funny  

  17. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser? night owl

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones? old school!!

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet? not really

    Do you think rehab is for quitters?  duh!

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it? hahahahaha i yeah!

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)? easy mac

    live-action or animated? live action!!

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you? dopey!!

    Britney - rate or slate? *rolls eyes*

    Which is better, thick crust or thin? thick!

    pringles or cheeto's? both!!

  18. Night Owl

    Old school mann.


    Pshh, yeah.

    I kick the frickin' machine! Give me my candy!

    Easy mac :)




    Thick crust [thin crust sucks.]


    Your welcome :)

  19. 1) TOTAL NIGHT OWL. I never sleep at night and sleep all day in daylight.

    2) Old school manual ones. What's the point of fancy toothbrushes?

    3) TOTALLY! People should respect the little ones more...

    4) Mostly, ya, but if it's for people with majorly SERIOUS problems, then no.

    5) yep! I like my candy. yum....

    6) hate mac anways, so I don't really care.

    7) Sleepy! I'm famous for falling asleep in class...

    8) ?

    9) thin!


  20. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser? -Night Owl

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones? -Manual ones

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet? -I guess

    Do you think rehab is for quitters? -Idk. No?

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it? -Yes

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)? -Big Mac

    live-action or animated? -Live action

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you? -Happy and Sleepy

    Britney - rate or slate? -Slate

    Which is better, thick crust or thin? -Thin

    pringles or cheeto's? -Pringles

    YOUR WELCOME. Good Survey. Here's a star.

  21. Night OWL!!!

    old school!



    its never happened, but i probably would do that!

    both are disgusting!

    animated i guess

    grumpy! (thats like the only 1 i know though)




  22. Night Owl

    old school manual ones

    very mad

    funny joke, retarded opinion

    my money, my candy!

    big mac




    thick crust


  23. Night Owl

    Colgate (I think its fancy)

    I didnt even know..

    Erm, I dont really care enough to have an opinion

    No i just go to the reception and ask for my money back

    Big Mac

    Live Action

    I dont know their names


    Thick crust


    thank you!

  24. 1. early riser(have small children)

    2. old school

    3. yes, it was my favorite as a kid

    4. i hope it is

    5. yes

    6. big mac

    7. live action, unless it's a disney movie

    8. grumpy

    9. rate

    10. thick

    11. cheetos

  25. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser?---i'm both actually =)

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones?----old school

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet?---yes

    Do you think rehab is for quitters?----no

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it?----yes lol

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)?---easy mac

    live-action or animated?--live action

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you?-----dopey, goofy, and bashful

    Britney - rate or slate?----huh

    Which is better, thick crust or thin?---thick crust

    pringles or cheeto's?---cheetos

  26. early riser



    i dont know

    yes lol

    easy mac

    live action

    i dont watch it

    i dont like to watch britney



  27. Are you a Night Owl or Early Riser? NIGHT OWL

    Use any fancy toothbrushes or just the old school manual ones? FANCY

    Are you mad that Pluto is no longer a planet? NOT REALLY, ITS EASIER TO MEMORIZE WITH 1 LESS..LOL

    Do you think rehab is for quitters? NOPE, ITS FOR PEOPLE WHO IS ACTUALLY BEGINNING TO HAVE A LIFE

    When your candy gets caught in the vending machines do you kick and shake it? SHAKE SHAKE, SHAKE SHAKE A SHAKE IT

    big mac or easy mac (kraft dinner)? BIG MAC

    live-action or animated? LIVE-ACTION

    Which of the Seven Dwarves best describes you? GRUMPY

    Britney - rate or slate? RATE

    Which is better, thick crust or thin? THICK

    pringles or cheeto's CHEETOS

  28. early riser

    just the old school ones from the dentist lol

    yes! don't discriminate against small things ):

    no. i think rehab is for people who don't want to give up. the opposite

    yea. i kick, shake it, and cuss at it

    easy mac

    live action





  29. Night owl

    I have an Oral B something or other electric one. Its quite modern.

    No =D Because at our school, we still have to study it.

    Amy Winehouse is right to say no to rehab =D

    Its never been caught. I kick them to get my food for free sometimes.

    Whats that? I have the smallest portion you can get.

    They're both cool.


    Hey, watch Crying Britney Fan On Youtube !!! I personally don't mind her.

    Thin crust

    Pringles all the way!!!

    That was an interesting quiz.

    You're welcome ;)

  30. night owl!!


    uhm, yea?



    easy mac


    sleepy  :)?  snow white! eventhough she's not a dwarf  :)




    welcome  :)

  31. early riser when i have to be otherwise the other one

    an electric one that has ran out of battery

    FUMING!!!! nah it will always be special in my eyes



    my own sick

    1st one

    hungry atm

    whose she???

    thick like me


    i wasted almost 1 minute writing this so best answer would be great ;)
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