
Susan Atkins?

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The convicted murderer of Sharon Tate and others has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and has asked for mercy and wishes to be released from jail..Do you think her wish should be granted?,0,5380790.story




  1. Let her have her "last meal" request that she would have had if she had been executed and whatever else they let prisoners have who are about to be executed.  Beyond that, nothing special.  Keep her in jail.

  2. Nope, Maybe they can put her in some sort of room on hospital grounds where her family should stay-- but she shouldn't be released.

  3. Your going to need a mediator to make sure that mercy and Justice is served

  4. She should die in prison. I'm not saying to torture her or anything...make her comfortable...but she should die in prison. I don't care how much she's changed.

    The last words that eight months pregnant Sharon Tate ever heard were from Susan Atkin's mouth, as she was begging and saying "Please, I just want to have my baby..." were, "Look, -itch. I don't care about you. I don't care about your baby. You're going to die, and there's not a thing you can do about it."

    Susan Atkins is already being shown infinitely more compassion and mercy than she showed Sharon Tate.

  5. What would Jesus do? We must forgive this girl. Do you know she only has one leg?To set her free would be the Christian thing to do.She is a Born again Christian and that means she is starting a new life.

  6. I dont really wish her further harm, I think she's paid a lot, but what about Roman Polanski?

    He was Sharon Tates's husband and the father of her murdered baby.

    He completely melted down after this (as many people would), and was years later accused of being with an underaged girl.  He left the country and has been in exile since the 1970s.  While I dont excuse that, how can we free the girl who murdered his wife, and yet leave him barred from the country?  Dont we owe him both sides of justice?

  7. No, she shouldn't be let out. She did the crime and now she has to pay. It's sad that she's sick and that she's going to end up dying in jail, but that's not anyone's fault. If the law allowed her to go, think about all the other people that would want released on similar grounds. She was going to end up dying in jail no matter what - it's just that she's going to die or cancer and not of old age.

  8. murderers don't deserve mercy

  9. I believe in second chances for criminals, as long as she's not out to kill anyone else.  The Catholic Church believes in forgiving abortionists and letting them attend Mass, why shouldn't people who kill adults be forgiven, too?  Just look at Saul from the Bible (the persecutor of Christians who became St. Paul).  Look at all the good he would have been prevented from doing if God had insisted he be put death or spend the rest of his life in jail.

    God bless! And may God have mercy on you, and on Atkins (if she is in fact sorry).


  10. Not at all.

  11. people die all the time in prison, why should she be any different?

  12. I'm all for death penalty, punishment and all that, but these women were brainwashed, plain and simple--it was proven that via hallucinogenic drugs and their idiotic personalities, they were manipulated---essentially, they MENTALLY arent the same idiots they were at the time of the crime.

    Hey, we release people that were nuts at the time of the crime that are now "cured", why not them?

    Now Manson, h**l, he's still as batty as he was the day they locked him up, if not more so. I'd like to see him twist in the wind, but that will never happen.
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