
Suspended or exspelled?

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i need help becouse i got suspended on the last day of school by the vice princiable of my school and he said i am suspended but rumors has being going around the school that i and my friend got exspelled they said the princiable said and the prinviable and me dont get along that good need help and the day i got suspended the vice dude called my house and told my parent that i got suspend could the princiable exspelled after i got suspended for that hole week plz help i love that school to death

and could they fail me for not being in school for being suspended




  1. You Should spend more attention in spelling tests

  2. There has to be a meeting of the Board of Education in order for you to be expelled.

  3. First of all I could barely understand what you were saying.

    No they will notify you if you're expelled. Usually if your suspended they won't expel you after they've made the decision of JUST suspending you.

    Also it depends on what you did and how bad it was.

    They can't really fail you if you had passing grades and were only suspended this time.

  4. they probably didnt expell u

    if u were passing then when u got suspended u should had pass

    it was at the end of the year anyway

  5. well as you said they are the school i went to if someone got expelled there was a board meeting in the school and the parents would have to go into the school with the child to get no you didn't get expelled however if i was you  ide apologize to your parents for getting suspended and call into your school to apologize to the principal

  6. that was messed up

    if u love school DONT GET SUSPENDED/EXPELLED

    CALL the school and find out for urself  dont believe the rumors...bcuz 4 one they r rumors and u didn't even hear them urself

    besides....if its the last day of school....i dont really get how u would get suspended unless it goes into the next year

  7. i dont understand the question i was distracted by the HORRIBLE spelling..god i hope you dont get expelled because you need a typing or writing class...O_o

    yeah umm..that vice dude?

    if you were tryin to be cool there..yeah you werent

  8. they cant fail u for not being in school because u got suspended!!

  9. i don't wan't to offend you but i can't understand a word u wrote

  10. no its jus rumors.

    he cant change his mind without teling you or your parents first.

  11. Well. It looks like you were too busy trying to play the system instead of learning in class. You can't spell. You can't write. But you wanted to act up the last day of school thinking that you weren't going to get suspended. You sound like one of my students.

  12. They could fail you, yes, but I don't think you should be passing with your grammar and spelling.

  13. I think you should be more concerned with changing your behaviour and learning from this so you get somewhere in life and become a good citizen.

  14. You said you got suspended on the last day of school, then you said it was for the whole week. Even if he dicided to exspell you, it doesn't matter because school is over for this year anyway. Suspention is temperaily, but being exspelled is for the rest of the school year, which is over anyway, so you have no worries, he can't failed you if you did ok for the

  15. agh I don't understand a word you're saying!

  16. To me I think you will be fine ..!!

  17. Sorry, but I have no idea what you're asking.  Please work on spelling and adding a period somewhere..........that is one MAJOR run-on sentence.

  18. maybe they kicked you out because you can't spell

  19. If you love school so much, why can't you spell "expelled" or "principal"?

    it's a freaking rumor, dummy.

  20. If it was the last day of school then why does it matter.  You need to stay in school if you love it so much and pay attention in spelling class.....Looks like you could use some help there!

  21. stop listening to rumors. you got suspended

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