
Swearing, what do you think?

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people always moan about when other people swear, after-all it is only a word, why be so upset?




  1. There's no such thing as only a word.  A word can change someones opinion of you and if you're swearing willy nilly in front of just anyone people will assume there is something wrong with you and it could make a difference in your life.

  2. I try not to because I feel its low class or not classy.  But I often find myself in a cursing episode.  It comes and goes with me depending the people, situation, place, or chameleon abilities.

  3. It's a matter of respecting others feelings. Since you asked this question I know you are aware that swearing is offensive to some people. I don't know how old you are, but how would your grandparents or great-grandparents view you if you used language around them that most young people use with their peers? How would you feel if the first sentence your beautiful child spoke was F*** you, Daddy? It might be funny the first time, but by the time that child has picked up all the foul language he/she is exposed to and used it toward teachers or other authority figures and YOU are embarrassed and held responsible for the bad behavior, you'll understand that these are not just words.

  4. They are just words but they are offensive words to some.  I personally don't swear too often unless I'm mad but how you speak represents who you are...if you talk trashy then that's WHAT you are.

  5. Because....




    There are NATURAL consequences to actions, and sometimes those consequences aren't so pretty.  If someone says the "N" word to someone who is black, the black person beats the living c**p out of him, he ends up on the hospital with a broken face, ribs, and various internal injuries... while the person may have a legal case for assault, he is still have to live with the pain and agony of the NATURAL consequences... when words MEAN things.

    The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me," only refers to how one reacts to words spoken towards themselves.  However, YOU have NO control over the behavior of OTHERS, and those words may just end up serving YOU up some STICKS and STONES.

    There is also something called LIBEL and SLANDER (one is written, one is verbal), which can be SUED over.

    Swearing, cursing, is a form of slander when it is directed towards someone.  Even when it is not, the natural consequence of a "potty mouth" is a lower social status (you know, the "trailer park trash" type), less friends, social stigma, avoidance, etc.

    Next time you think that words don't mean something, try standing in a room full of red-necks and say that Budweiser is made of pee-water, and only dumb-azz rednecks would drink the c**p.

    Or how about going to a Biker bar and saying aloud, "Hey!  You think you're all so tough, uh?  You're really a bunch of lilly-livered wimps who need to have your boots pulled on by your mommies!"

    Then, let's see how little words MEAN things!

    Have a polite day.

  6. Don't give words power. Your only invincible when they mean nothing to you. Let's worry about actions. Have you ever frustrated someone because they were mouthing off at you and you didn't respond (care)? I've been on both sides and it is great when you just let it roll off you. So let's say what we f**cking want to say and pay no mind to the haters. Bring back free speech!!

  7. limited intelligence and vocabulary skills

  8. Swearing is not a classy thing to do.  

  9. Wow...this question seems to appeal to bitc....women. Apparently, we can't even say what's on our minds anymore. The fact that we have to watch what we say offends me. None of you bitc...."women" care.

  10. I'm one of the people that get aggravated when people curse around me.  Swearing shouldn't be aloud in public and should only be used in the privacy of your own home.  It just makes me uncomfortable.  Usually the people who curse have no respect for themselves or other people.  They should just respect the fact that it offends people like smoking next to someone who doesn't smoke.  There have been plenty of times I've had to ask kids and adults to watch their language because I've had my 6 year old daughter out with me.  When I'm by myself and I hear people swear I just let it go as long as their not talking to me.  It's about respect.  I don't need to curse to show how mad I am.  On top of all that they don't know how bad they make themselves look.  Do they have any other words in their vocabulary?  

  11. Thats exactly what they are just words, they help exagerate what your trying to say so people know how serious you are. They dont bother me unless they are being used against me. It's all in how they're used  

  12. It is also a very good sign that you are not educated enough to express youself in plain english

  13. If it's "only a word" then why do they censor it on national television and radio?  I guess the freedom of speech, is not so free after all.

    There are plenty of other words to use.

  14. True

    but some word do hurt

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