
Swearing all the time

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I keep swearing all the time and I do it sometimes without noticing that I have done. I often do it when I am nervous or when I forgett what I was gonna say and then I'll put a ******* in front of the word I will say next. I cant help it, I've done it for years now but the thing is my 2 yr old son is repeating it now, not alot but the odd occasion. I dont want him to be like this and I know its my fault. I really hate myself for this and I wanna know how I can make myself stop it. Its not like I think things through before I say it, its just slips out in conversation no matter where I am. I have very good values apart from this. I take real good care of my family, dont drink, dont do crime etc. I know alot of people will say just stop it then and that I am in controll but at times it doesn't feel like it. Worst is if we am having an arguement too. I wanna stop as I dislike fould mouthed little kids.




  1. Sounds like you have tourettes.

  2. try and come up with a less offensive word to use instead, like oh..flipflop

    get a swear jar and be very strict with yourself putting money in every time you swear

  3. Stop swearing!! Kids pick it up so quickly. Keep your son away from other swearers

    When he swears just ignore him. Don't start laughing or giving out to him. If he says anything just to get attention he will keep saying it.

  4. First you have to decide to stop to swearing.  I mean you have to determine to yourself that you ARE going to matter how hard.  Then you have to break the habit.  The best way to break a habit is to change up the routine that brings on the habit (or allows the habit.)  

    I would suggest that every time you slip up and swear, instead of just continuing on with your conversation, stop in the middle of your sentences and slap your mouth, or pinch your arm or turn a circle or something that is physical and interrupts your conversation.  It sounds silly I know, but interrupting your train of thought and doing something totally different will help you to break the habit.  

    You're swearing because  it's easy to swear and  when you're in the moment, you forget. You need to help yourself to NOT forget. By doing something totally unexpected (and maybe even a little embarrassing, depending on who's around), you will be more likely to remember BEFORE you swear.

    Good luck

  5. when ever i curse in front of my 3 year old she tells me thats a bad word and i have to tell her sorry. Just tell him that is a bad word and when you use it it is ok for him to tell you not to say it.

  6. Maybe you should not swear in front of the kids and maybe only when you are alone

  7. replace it with another word. i have a proplem saying f*** so now i say fudge. retarded i know but i work at a daycare if i had one of my kids go home saying that their parentss would be furious

  8. I guess my advice would be to start thinking of what you are going to say before you say it.  This way what you say is planned and you are less likely to add in the swearing.  

  9. you probably grew up in a house with lots of swearing, right? so it's understandable.

    explain to him that you are an adult and you are aloud to swear, even though you shouldn't and are working being a clean mouth and why don't you help me? you explain to him that he should not swear and make sure you emphasize how it is a bad thing to do. firmly, but gently.

    then, give him a bunch of quarters, and make a swear jar. everytime he curses, he has to give up one of his shiny new quarters to the swear jar.

    works, and is handy when you are trying to save up money too!

    good luck =]
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