
Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage?

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Which one do I want? I know a deep tissue massage is a more "firm" massage, but how firm?

I have some minor muscle aches including my lower back. I'm sure a deep tissue massage would feel good there, but will it be sort of painful on my body parts that don't have muscle aches?

I'm getting ready to make an appointment at the spa and I don't know which one to get. Please help!




  1. get a deep tissue.  Don't be afraid to communicate with your massage therapist about the pressure.  A deep tissue massage should still feel good but takes longer to work the problem muscles.  Everyone's tolerance level is different so what may feel good to someone else, as far as pressure, might not feel ok for you.  I am a massage therapist and I strongy encourage feedback about the pressure from the client.

  2. or may be you need just this

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