
Sweet 16 ideas???????

by  |  earlier

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it gonna be next june


i cant really afford a dj

but i still want it to be nice

and i want to wear a pretty dress

any ideas

i guess about 10-15 people

more girls than guys probably

and i dont want any thing tropical/hawiian themed either

but themes are okay

oh and not hollywood or paris

ive been to dances and they were the themes

oh and suggestions on what to do




  1. I know you can't afford a dj so you might not be able to afford this. But anyway, you can take 3-5 of your closest friends and you all can go to another state or somewhere you haven't been to yet. You guys can stay at a hotel for the weekend and do whatever the place you visit has to offer. It's different than the same-old dancing and food for 8 hours.

    happy sweet 16!  

  2. go to the zoo

  3. Ok so what you can do is like you can have a sort of disco party at ur house(im doing the same for mine) its like at your house you make it like seriously dark so then you can order some glow in the dark face paints and like decorate your house with florescent glow in the dark things and as every1 enters they can get a logo of your choice painted on theyre face ( you can create your own special logo) every1 can get their own glow stick and diffrent accessories. you can get glow in the dark stuff from here Also you dont need a Dj you can just play music on your stereo and turn up the volume. you can make a playlist on your computer  you can use itunes and download each song from limewire. it will be just like a rave

    Hope you have a happy sweet sixteen.

    P.s. Thanx for answering my question x
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