
Sweet 16 party yay!?

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okay so my fifteenth birthday just passed in february and its about time to start planning my 16th birthday ideas. Well i already know that i dont want a big or usual sweet some of my friends are holding theirs on boats, and other catering halls, and i know others that are taking a few friends to the city (nyc since i live in long island) i want to do something different from all of them...but what? and i only want to do it with a couple of my girl friends and not to big but to make me and my day feel special. Help please with ideas!?




  1. You could go and have a day at the spa and get your hair done and get all made up. Then you could hire a limo and go for a drive around, before going out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Then you could all go and stay at a motel somewhere for the night.

    That is the extreme. You could skip the motel and just drop people home. You could skip the spa and just do it yourself. Just some ideas! =D

  2. day at the spa....massages, facials, mani/pedi.

  3. Since you're near the city, you can go to one of the nicer resturants with your friends for dinner, the Wardolf, the Marriott, etc.

    You can do a Broadway show and then dinner at Ruth Chris' Steakhouse afterwards.  Take a limo to the show and dinner and then home.

    What about a spa and dinner in the city?  Or one of the bigger hair places or make-up places.

    A shopping day in the city with your friends and mom?

    What about a weekend in the city with your friends and mom?  Sister(s) if you have any.  I have to tell you moms and sisters get just as excited for that day as you do, so I wouldn't leave them out if you want to do things like that.  I know you want to be with your friends, but really consider including your mom and/or sister(s) because they are looking forward to this as much as you are.

    Getting back to ideas, LOL (I live in NY too), is there anything you've wanted to do that you haven't done, this is the time to do! What about ice skating in Rockfeller center?

    What are your interests?  If you like cooking, there are tons of different cooking classes offered here that you can do with your friends.  

    What shows do you like, you can try for tickets and sit in the audience of your favorite tv show?  Make sure to put that it's going to be your 16th birthday when you ask.  Go to the show's website and go to where it has be in the audience and ask for tickets.

    There's so much to do, you can get a hotel room and take it by day and just do different things over the course of a weekend.  

    Happy sweet 16!  I hope some of these ideas help!
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