
Sweet tea or coke?

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Sweet tea or coke?




  1. Sweet Tea.

  2. Sweet tea!

  3. I don't like coke so

    Sweet Tea.

  4. coke always

  5. COKE!!!!!!


  7. Coke :)

  8. sweet tea with lemon.

  9. I would rather have unsweeted tea than coke because coke has to much sugar and additives etc than tea, and bad for your gut and teeth compared to tea dont do that sort of thing.

  10. Sweet Tea, Please and Thank You.

  11. green tea with honey

  12. sweet tea!! especially the one from mc. donalds.. oh bby!

  13. Tea of course!! ;p

  14. Sweet tea of course!, really, coke is made up of chemicals and other disgusting stuff really bad for you. Tea is much better, the taste and it is so much more healthier too.

  15. Coke. But I really don't like coke if I had to choose it would be coke, because I don't like the way sweet tea taste.

  16. I love lemon ice tea.

  17. Coke the drug? Of course.

  18. cocaine (coke)


  19. That Arizona Southern Sweet Tea is really good.

  20. Tea.. I live in louisiana we drink alot of tea

    and i'm not talking about the canned ones

  21. Sweet Tea

  22. well you are less likely to get a cavity with sweet tea but coke is tasty so i would have coke 1 out of every three meals and tea 2 out of every three meals

  23. SWEET TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Sweet tea...

  25. Coke Classic - I cannot stand to have my tea sweetened, it tastes nasty and way too sweet.  Now if the choice was between Iced tea with lemon and Coke, that would be a different story.


  26. COKE! COKE! COKE! COKE! Sweet tea is a  southern thing!

  27. neither, i say sweet tea taste like sh** and coke is awful for you and your teeth

  28. coke

    all the way

  29. sweet tea it is healthier for you!

  30. A cold glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day is the BEST!
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