I've been swimming for USA swimming and summer league for awhile now. A few days ago my summer league coach (also my teammate for year-around) asked me to work with two five year olds (male and female). It's quite fustrating because all the want to do is doggy paddle or swim underwater. I need some help getting their arms out of the water. They also have very poor listening skills and lots of energy. I need some games that will keep them happy and work on their techinque also. They just need to brake their doggy paddling. Oh, and also how could I get them to stop holding on to the lane ropes during the middle of a swim. These kids have lots, LOTS of energy with very SHORT attention spans. We have a one hour practice 5 days a week. Have any ideas? The girls likes to chat a lot and the boy is vey active. I need ways to get thier attention, keep their ears open, and let them have fun. Because lap afte lap after lap is working for them. Help?