
Swim techniques!?

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i just strated swimming about a week ago ona competetive team and i have have some expierence but we had practice yesterday but i couldnt go and they were learning butterfly...which i have no idea how to do! so now i have to go to swim practice on monday and i have no idea how to do the butterfly! does anyone know how?!?




  1. I swam in kindergarten through 6th grade and my brother swam till 9th grade! last time i checked the butterfly is hard! keep your legs together and kick up and down like a mirmaid or dolphin. while doing that, your arms should go back than up and forward. keep repeating these motions! the butterfly will totally tire u out! i hope you figure out how to do the butterfly! good luck!

  2. First of all butterfly is the hardest of all the strokes.  If your fellow swimmers just learned how to one day last week you are not behind at all.  Talk to your coaches so you can learn the techniques on dry land before hitting the water.  There is no way to explain it on a computer, you are going to have to see it first then do it.  Master the kick first, then the arms, then put it all together.

  3. how old are you?

    Don't worry about it if you are in that low of a level where you are just learning butterfly then you will be learning it progressively i have been swimming since i was 4 so i know this... YOU CANNOT LEARN A STROKE IN A DAY not everyone showed up that day to practise we can show up 6 days a week but only have to show up 3 or 4 they will teach you again

  4. kick your legs up and down like a mermaid or dolphin...also moves your hips and chest with it (when you are out of the water it will look you you are dancing...sort of....) your arms move in a circular motion ...starting at your head they move down, go by your side, and then move back up by going out and then back in ending right by your head...this process repeats...

    keep in mind there is 2 kicks for one "pull" (arm motion) kick when moving your arms down by your side and another kick when bringing them back up...

    it takes a lot of practice, so dont worry, ive been swimming for about 3 years now and i still cant do it perfectly

  5. First of all fly is the easiest of strokes.  It requires gross motor (large muscle groups only)  And you most definately can learn fly in 1 day, you can learn it without even getting in the water.  I always had a squad of 3 yrs olds that could do a 25 fly under 45 seconds.  Here we go your basic fly.  Your head and feet are going to be doing the same thing, forget your arms leave them at your side for now.  This is dryland.  Stand up, bend over at the waist to almost a 90 degree angle.  This position is head and feet are down, now you are going to switch to head and feet are up.  Stand up straight bend the knees lean back arch the back.  Switch head and feet are down switch head and feet are up.  Now add arms.  Swing arms from the sides head and feet are down arms are out in front then switch head and feet are up arms by side that is it.  Work your kick make sure it is big most people don't bend the knees enough and coaches say hip up to get the hip up do what I said and it is there.  On a kickboard work the dolphin kick then without board on side then on back board ok behind head.  Yeah arms should not be a circular motion common mistake, like free the hand needs to stay closer to the water with a high elbow swing them out from the side when the pull is finished (arms at sides).  Hands should enter at 10 & 2 (like a clock)  Forget the 2 kicks it confuses people just do what I said and the kicks will naturally be there.  This is a no fail way, everyone is successful.  For many years the top 16 qualifiers at the state meet all came through me as a coach.

  6. butterfly is not easy. let this be a warning to you and don't expect to get it straight away. kick your feet up and down together, but put your whole lower body into the movement. at the same time swing your arms in a circular motion, but do this together, at the same time as your feet. every second stroke, push your upper body out of the water to breathe. you should be doing two kicks for every one stroke. it is very important to do this at the same time. find a rhythm which you find comfortable, and swim to it.

    p.s. as i mentioned bfore, butterfly is a very hard stroke, so expect to be very tired.
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