
Swiming help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know how to swim....quick!!!!

Websites would be nice!!!




  1. Hold the edge of a swimming pool and start paddling your feet. You first have to teach yourself how to stay above water by floating... then you learn how to swim.

    And it takes a long time to learn when you get older.

  2. you need to take LESSONS! dont put it on the guards shoulders that you cannot swim.

  3. ok i dont have any websies relax all u have to do first is board flater kick ur feet ok??next swimming with hands like an oval do not panic flater ur feet  ur feet and swim open ur eyes okz??ok next swimming with ur arms opening all u have to do is flater kick and open ur arms like a big O!ok??nex swimming with ur arms with breathing skills flater kick again and  OPEN UR ARMS WITH A BIG O!and go up the pool and breath!ok??next  Backstroke get ur board go back possition hold ur board and flatter kick hold the board..ok???next Backstroke(no board) but ur arms like he possition of what i told u in"swimming with ur hands with a big oval shape with ur hands"and back possition again  and flatter kick ok??next butterfly swim near up and with ur hands when u go up its a big O ok?ok!then open it then upper ur breast  and ur done i hope those work good luck with these swimming skills enjoy ur 1st tase of swimmming!!

  4. ummm.....just go swimming lessons

  5. watch some video clips on youtube and see how it is done. you still need to to get in the water though in order to learn and experience swimming. no quick results here! swimming takes time and practice and tons of patience.

  6. I think swimming is something you've got to learn from experience, not from the internet. Start in the shallow end of the pool and just splash around for a while until you get more confident in the water. I suggest paying for classes.  It is DEFINITELY worthwhile. Swimming is wonderful for body and soul.
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