
Swimming after circumcision

by Guest58549  |  earlier

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Is it okay to swim in a pool a week after an adult circumcision




  1. Not really.  After a week, i assume that you still have stitches in place, therefore an open wound.  i would wait.  why dont you ask the doctor who did your surgery.  If you cant get a hold of him. Try these two doctors.  

    they have their own yahoo groups and both perform hundreds of adult circumcisions a year.  their staff is very friendly and will be happy to answer your question.  by the way.  the stitches should dissolve around the ten day mark, any remnants that remain should be removed by your doctor to prevent tunnel marks.  Dont take no for an answer on this.  You paid for the surgery, this should be included in the fee.

    Main website for Dr. Reed's "The Reed Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Reed:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Reed:

    Main website for Dr. Cornell's "Circumcision Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Cornell:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Cornell:

  2. i believe that a circumcision should be treated as any other yourself a favor and don't chlorinate it until  it is completely healed, i mean you wouldn't go swimming in a chlorinated pool with a big cut on your face would you?

  3. I was cut at 18 and waited a month before i did any sports, s*x etc....I would say wait until it is fully healed!

    Hey welcome to the club!

  4. I would say wait for a bit longer...

  5. You'll be surprised at how much faster you'll be.  I would wait another week to be safe - or at least ask my doctor.

  6. Not really! Wait until the cut line has healed before going in pool water.

  7. No. I wouldn't pools are germy and gross you don't want anything getting in there... and if you thought circumcision was painful, wait til its infected...not good not good.

    answer mine

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