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i have been going swimming once a week and have been doing that for more than 2months now but it doesnt seem to be doing much!

i was expecting myself to tone up and loose a bit of the stomach but nothing seems to be happening?

am i doing something wrong and is there a way to loose the stomach whilst swimming?

i do about 50 lengths every week and am there for about 1 hour should i do more?




  1. I`d include a bit more protein in your diet,vegetable protein is okay,and try a some sort of low-impact aerobics,or pilates on odd days.

  2. sit-ups, exercise, speed walking, jogging try all those

  3. you need to do a varity of different things not just swimming.keep going it takes time

  4. It depends what stroke you do, what sort of speed you're going at and how long the pool you swim in is.

    Based on a 25m pool, aim to do a minimum of a mile a week (64 lengths). I would recommend a combination of freestyle, b/stroke and use a combo of breaststroke and freestyle for a cool down, on say the last 8 lengths.

    if you went to the gym you wouldnt spend the whole time on one machine, so you need to vary your swimming routine. Here is a simple programme you could follow.

    WARM UP: 8 lengths front crawl. NEVER warm up on breast stroke.


    4 lengths back, 4 lengths f/crawl. Alternate these so you do one back, one front, one back, one front.

    4 lengths front, arms only.

    4 lengths front, legs only.

    4 lengths full stroke front crawl.

    4 lengths sidestroke, 2 on each side.

    4 lengths breast stroke.

    4 lengths back stroke.

    4 lengths back legs only, hold a kickboard under your head like a pillow.

    4 lengths back legs only, hold a kickboard above your head with your arms extended so they are straight.

    4 lengths back arms only. Use a pullbuoy to stop you kicking your legs.

    4 lengths full stroke, backstroke.

    COOL DOWN: 8 lengths front crawl and breast stroke, alternate.

  5. can you do it more than just once a week? if not then trying some of the other strokes they all work different muscles try to do some body dophine (put your arms by your sides and swim across the pool using and wave motion with your whole body keeping you legs together) you can try it on your back too. you'll feel it burn trust me. your distance is good just mix it up some.

  6. You just need to swim more often and when you swim make sure you take a drink like water. I swim three times a week for an hour each time for roughly 60+ lengths (about a mile) every time. Keep swimming more regularly as the more you swim the more you tone up and loose that bit of stomach.

    Swimming works for me even though I don't very well eat well but this does help aswell.

    Keep up the swimming.

  7. you also need to be working out with weights.

    try hitting the gym.

    and also, you can't eat more or the same amount (that you used to eat) just because you're working out.

    eating less calories + working out (cardio with swimming and weights with the gym) = lost weight!

    good luck :  }

  8. it depends on if you have changed your eating aswell if you have cut out all the rubbish foods then you should start seeing the difference soon. not always do you notice it yourself go see a friend or someone you havent seen in a while and see there reaction they will see it more then you.

  9. try swimming everyday for 2-3 hours it really helps me.

  10. Once a week swimming wont bring results. You need 4 or 5 times weekly at least, each session covering 25 laps continuously at a fast pace. Best is to use the front crawl to burn fat. Do sit-ups twice daily, from 20-40 reps. An inclined sit-up with feet at the top works best. That should do the trick within another 2mths. Ensure you weigh and measure yourself, every forthnight.

    Cheers! Best wishes towards  a well-sculpted body....

  11. Wow. I swim competively and we practice for 2 hrs, 6 days a week. I still don't have defined muscles.  Lifting weight will help a lot. Maybe you should swim 3 days a week for an hour then maybe increase it by a half hour. Keep watching your diet. Eat carbs and protien as well as drinking strictly water. You could also try some forms of dryland (sit-ups, push-ups, 6 inches, and etc.) You need exercise daily.
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