
Swimming with asthma?

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okay so i've been swimming for years now, but about a year ago i found out i had exercise induced asthma (no that doesnt mean im out of shape believe me im not) and ever since then it's been holding me back more and more. now that i'm going into hs and i'm going to be joining the team, does anyone have any 'tips' that'll help me get my endurance up even with the asthma? thanks :)




  1. you are definitely not alone.  if you investigate it a little more you will find that there are many top athletes that have exercise induced asthma.  One in particular that i know of is ....i the sprinter lady..jackie joyner....or something like that. you would see her use her inhaler.  try alfalfa pills in hot water.  i have had asthma all my life too.  i don't get it as often when i exercise but usually starts when i cough or sneeze or working in dusty areas.  put the pills in hot water and drink it like tea. my 4th grade teacher told me about this many years ago.  good luck with your swim team.  you will be okay.  another michael phelps coming up?  keep it up!

  2. Sucks to your ***-mar!

  3. My friend has a type of asthma, and she is a really good swimmer, don't let asthmaa bring you down, you keep swimming, and practicing and you'll get better. Just keep triyng your hardest,that's all the coach could ask for.  

  4. A person I am close with has asthma and she is a very good swimmer. She has to take breaks every 15 minutes or so. Just keep your puffer close on hand and ask your doctor about it.

  5. I myself suffer from asthma and I was advised to go swimming by my GP. The best way of increasingg your ability is to do breathingexercisess. increase your lung capacity and always take yourprevent orrinhalerr before you start swimming and it should reduce the effect the asthma has on your performance. Then allyou've got to do is train like anyone else would.  

  6. you'll be fine. i was born with really bad asthma. So i couldn't even do gym class till the 3rd-4th grade. I would just wait and watch other kids play. I still was a quite small and energetic kid.Slowly, I started to do gym and run track& cross-country. At first, it was a little hard, but you get used to your body and excercising more is good fo ryour asthma and lungs. Now I run a lot, and my asthma not even a problem. Ask your doctor to prescribe you singular/ asthma pills other than a puffer. I've also learned not to use asthma as an excuse, don't let it hold you back. The more you excercise the easier it'll become.
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