
Symbols associated with Rome...?

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I guess anyone who's familiar with Rome will be able to answer this easily, I have tried using google but without success.

On a recent visit to Rome I noticed that wherever you went in the city there were certain symbols that kept recurring and I'm curious about them. The first I noticed was of course SPQR and I know about that already. The other two, I am still curious about;

1) the 8 pointed star ( 16-pointed when executed in 3-d) the most obvious example being the one directly below the cross, on top of the obelisk in St. Peter's square.

2) the symbol of five "loaf" like shapes arranged in a sort of pyramid form. I'm guessing they might represent hills but I thought there were seven hills?

Can anyone help me by explaining their significance? Or give me a link ?




  1. celtic football club booo

  2. So I have to know, what is SPQR? I was in Italy last year and kept seeing it myself. All I can find is that it means Senators and People of Rome. Is this correct? I'll check back to see if anyone knows about the others.

    Wasn't Rome just the greatest!!!


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