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I want to get a tattoo in the back of my head I have no other tattoos. I want to join the military when im 19 what are the rules on tattoo's with all the branches of the military? im leaning more towards navy and coast guard and usaf but i still want to know about marines and army also.




  1. cannot do that.simple as that.

  2. The Army is the most lax regarding tattoo policies...

    The rest of the branches... Not tattoos on the hands, face, neck, or head. And no gang related/sexist/racist/etc tattoos.

  3. NO GANG REALATED TAT's or anything extremly graphic they tend to get pissed no matter were u go  

  4. The Navy frowns on Tattoos that are past your elbows, so I wouldn't count in becoming a SEAL anytime soon. The Coastguard carries almost identical regulations, so your done there as well.

    The Marine Corps I cannot vouch for, as I lack any contact with someone that has many tattoos, but they generally have reformed their image post Vietnam, and could discount you given an identical candidate. The USAF has stringent policies that do not allow for the kind of Tattoos that you want, and will bar you from enlistment.

    I am a Sergeant in the Army however, I can tell you that not only are the Tattoos that I have which extend onto my hands fully and down to my second set of knuckles authorized (AR 670-1, Section 1-8, paragraph E, pages 5-6, dated 21 January 2007) they haven't even warranted the slightest response from anyone in my chain of command.

    I know that the Army allows basically anyone, so long as you are not that much of a criminal.

    BTW: Tattoo is a term for a bugle call the Navy used to use to let sailors know that it was time to return the ship from shore leave, they would get their ink on shore leave, so the term evolved into getting a tattoo to mean ink done before tattoo was played.


    All branches of the military FROWN on Tattoos, especially gang related, drug related, anything sexual or anything that shows when wearing short sleeved shirts. I STRONGLY ADVISE against anything. Wait until AFTER you are OUT of the military to do this.

  6. can't have any above the neck in the army but man it would a great target for the enemy think about it   ...and the respect factor would be in the crapper for a long time too

  7. why your head?you can't have any tattoos showing nore any dirty ones

  8. The Army is more lenient towards tattoos compared to the other branches. Tattoos on the neck are allowed in the Army as long as it isnt gang related or offensive and can be covered up when wearing a collar shirt. The other branches wont even entertain anyone with a tattoo on their neck.

  9. the army has become very lax on tattoo's not sure about other branches but army allows neck knuckles and all that as long as it's done before entry

  10. The back of the head, hands, face, and neck are strictly forbidden in the Navy.

    Other areas depend on size and content of the tattoo. On the arm below your sleeve, they have to be smaller than your hand.

    Everywhere else, they can not be racist, sexist, or against good order and discipline (no swastikas, gang tats, drug related, nude women, etc.

  11. in the air force nothing that can be seen while wearing a short sleeve shirt is permissable.  so torso, legs, and shoulder only

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