
THONNNNNNG!!!!!!!! !?

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im 13 i wanted to wear a thong im just "scared" to ask my mom but i want to lol i dont no how to bring it up and stuff

any help ?




  1. buy it, and then put it where dirty clothes are or w/e u do with the, and then when she sees it when shes doing laundry, she'll know, and at the most she'll ask about it, and just be like, oh, me and my friends were at the mall and there was a sale that i split with one of my friends.  no biggy.

  2. i don't really see a problem in wearing a thong just save your money and buy one without your mom and wash it by hand so she doesn't find it or just tell your mom it will improve your self esteem and panty lines make you self conscious and you get teased because of it and older guys hit on you they cost anywhere from $1.99 to $20.00

  3. tell her you need a couple for certain pairs of pants to avoid panty lines

    start off with simple thongs so she gets used to the idea and eventually go for the cute lacy ones later on

  4. Tangs, if anyone can understand a word that you're saying, then I'd be shocked.

    If you're too scared to talk to your mom about underwear, then maybe you're not mature enough to be wearing a thong.  It's pretty easy, just say mom I'd like to try out a thong and see how I like it compared to regular underwear.

  5. im 13 to and I have 2 haha um I have to say they arent to comfortable haha just tell you mom like I did lol worked for me and my mom is like stuck on innocence lol I was like mom I need a thong my pants are tight ppl can see my panty line and think what that makes them think if they dont see it then well I doubt they'll think thong thing mom the wear id get out of it I mean going out to dinner dance horse back riding and all mom really I need it.

  6. It is a bit young, but anyway.

    When she's in a good mood,

    ask her about a thong,

    explain that you HATE having panty lines showing through on your pants and everything, and you'd like to try a simple one nothing too 'old' or 'mature/s**y' for you and everything.

    Or save up for one and buy it yourself.

    If she says no, then I can understand why tbh.

  7. Well i am 12 and i wear them sometimes, my mom actually encouraged me lol.

    just ask your mom when shes at her happiest and be like "mommy can i wear thongs?

    or just go to the mall and buy one and hope she doesnt care lol

  8. Next time you and your mom go out shopping and you pass a store and you see one just be like...  Hey mom, can i get a thong just to try them?  And if she says no the first time just keep asking her...
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