
THOSE of you who CHOOSE...........?

by  |  earlier

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To keep ALL personal information on your site PRIVATE....such as...360 account...ALL Q & A set to private...won't allow IM nor written information regarding you or personal life.. I find it much easier to give a response to your Questions if I know a little about you....So why do you keep everything set to PRIVATE...?




  1. Re: "To protect my privacy and prevent stalkers to follow me around and copy my answers to later present them as their own. Also I'm not fond of threatening and harrassing e-mails."

    That's is just too much.  I do not put anything that is true in my profile, but only to keep the spam bots away.  Hard to believe someone is that paranoid or is in some position to get "threatening and harrassing e-mails"!  Any email I receive through Yahoo!Answers that I don't like, I just block the sender from everything.

    No sense in having a profile if you set it to private unless you want it just for your contacts and friends to look at.  Any abuse should be reported and if severe enough, user will be banned from Yahoo!Answers or anywhere else you have a Profile set up.


  2. To protect my privacy and prevent stalkers to follow me around and copy my answers to later present them as their own. Also I'm not fond of threatening and harrassing e-mails.

  3. I have often wondered the same thing, i do notice that alot of times it is trolls doing it. but i never understood the average user doing it,mine has never been private and i havent been threatened, harassed, or otherwise bothered, ive ruffled some feathers, but its never gotten to where i felt the need to shut everybody out.I guess it has to do with comfort levels, and how much you really want to interact with individuals on here.  :)

  4. It's because you don't know what type of people are on here ... you can have nice people like yourself and you can have complete weirdo's, there are perverts on the internet and they may see a question you have written and see you as volnourable or something and start to talk to you some young people can get suckered in by this and think that this person cares about them then they arragange to meet up with them and find out its some freaking pervert ... also if you live in england for some reason it wont let you have an im thing or an e-mail.          ............     i still haven't recieved an e-mail from you have you sent one and i have not recieved it??

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