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Who misses Orton??! i can't believe he has been injured AGAiN! wtf is that! Well my question is who misses him?&& i cant believe he is had a baby! omg im so late lmao! raw aint the same...




  1. Orton was one h**l of a heel


    wen i found out he was married i was really pissed hahaha

    and it was ironic cuz like the day i found out he was married his kid was being born

    i heard he got in some motor cycle accident..

    poor randy! i love hiM!!

    i want him to come back b4 october

  3. I miss him and I was getting very excited for his return until I saw what happened. Thankfully he is going to be okay but still another 3 months without Randy, one of the best, if not the best, heels in the business. I just hope Randy stays safe and takes care of himself because his fans certainly miss him and his wife and daughter need him there, alive and healthy.

  4. im hopin that its just an angle for people to think "hes injured, so he wont be here tonight" then RKO on someone. if hes really injured, best of luck healin up that collarbone

  5. i miss him as a wrestler u kno and i feel bad that he was heeled and as soon as he gets heeled he gets reinjured but i think there is a reason for everything

  6. I miss him and he is like the best evre heel

  7. hes was a great heel n raw isnt the same w.o himm so yeah alot of pl miss him including mee

  8. I don't buy the angle it looks like something to fool the fans to think he's actually injured and I don't buy it I mean he wasn't wearing a helmet? Who would be stupid to ride a motorcycle with not helmet?! but if he is really injured then I wish him nothing but the best and hope to see him in the ring again and hope this won't be the end of a young career but I still call that stupid. This is just my opinion.


  10. I miss him like crazy. RAW is trying desperately to stay at the top, but. . .it's just not that great right now. It seems the only people RAW can focus on is Batista, Cena, JBL and Punk. I like them [with the exception of JBL..] but I'm sick of seeing them only on RAW. Randy shoots the ratings so high. He's one of the reasons RAW was the flagship show. Now it seems Smackdown is taking that role.

    I want Randy back!

    RKO forever!

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