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Hi my question is, my husband and I have been married almost 3 years now. I am wanting a baby really bad and have talked to him about this a lot. He is unsure about having a baby because of how everything is, the econmy and all. I told him things were like this when we were born. I am 22 and he is 35. I almost cry everytime I go to a baby shower and wonder how things will be like if i ever have one of my own. Have any of you ever had this happen? Any suggestions?




  1. Well you may not be in the same situation as your parents. Either they had more money to compensate for the economy or they had less. In either case you are not them. You do not know how difficult it was for them because even a parent who would complain for a long time still never says all that they went through.

    Your husband makes a valid point and unitl you can understand him, he won't be able to understand you. You are pleading your case. So take time to understand him. Once you do that, you will be able to build a better case.

    One child between a man and a wife is a wonderful way to show love and give love to more than yourselves. But it can also tear a family apart when one wants a child and the other doesn't. And it happens a lot.

    So take the time to understand how he feels and really do that. Make sure it is the right decision for both of you at this time. Make sure that it is not a selfish decision.

    Good luck to you and I hope you get to have that sweet child that you would never bring to this earth if you were not fully able to.  

  2. Its normal for a man(or women) to question bringing  a child into this world. Our economy has declined and it can be very hard to imagine what it would  be like to care for this child. If you and your husband are financially stable everything should be fine. Also take into consideration, can you two afford it if one of you have to take some time off work.  Not just maternity leave, but say your child is really ill and needs someone to tend to her/his needs often. However if your husband is that set, perhaps you consider adoption, give a better life to a child that is already here. Well I hope this helps, best of luck to you

  3. fake *** title, cheap way to get answers.

  4. Well, I had accidently gotten pregnant with my boyfriend when I had only known  him a few months. That was before I really knew what he felt like about having kids. Well, I found out reall quick that he didn't want to have any more. He has two from a previous marriage. Anyways I miscarried that one at 16wks. And afterwards he told me that he wasn't going to have kids and that if I wanted kids that bad I should leave him and find somebody that did. Well, he didn't really take precaustions to prevent it and now I am 12wks again. We've been together over a year now. And he still isn't happy about it, but I think he is starting to get use to the idea. I just know that I would cry to and ball. Because I love him and he's good guy and I felt like I was having to choose between being with him and my own happiness of having kids. I was very close to breaking up with him. I just wanted to have a baby and felt it was selfish of him to deny me this. But at the same time it wouldn't have been right for me to force him into something he didn't want. We have a few problems still and he doesn't seem too concerned about coming to the doctors appointments. So, we may not be together much longer. I don't know. All I can suggest is you keep telling your husband how you feel and what its doing inside of you. Maybe he will be more caring and understanding than my bf that could care less about it. He is older like my boyfriend is older than me, and he probably realizes the hardships and financial burdens there is with having a family. Maybe come up with some plan and sit down with him and show him how it will work.  

  5. wowowowow. hold up. ur 22 and hes 35?!! y the **** would he not want to have a baby w/someone 13 years younger than he is?! if he wont do it, just pay someone else to do it...

  6. just prove to him that you will be able to handle it. like make a list of what you will need (everything) and look for it online. add up the prices, and then make sure you can afford it. if he knows you can, he shouldn't have any problem.

  7. Go to  there is a forum for "I am ready he is not"  You will be able to talk to people in the same situation as yourself.  Good luck

  8. well what i would do is do some research on a rough estimate on how much it would cost with doctors bill, food, clothes etc (but also if you have a baby shower that could help out alot) and see how much you are you husbands income is.....if doesn't seem right then possibly find a better way to get more of an my opinion the biggest expense would be the hospital bill

  9. i think you should basically rape him. force him into haveing s*x with you until you have the baby you so despritly want make sure your not on the pill and there are no condums invald and by all meens don't get a divorce we don't need any more of those here plus your getting old you cant get pregnet any time you wont you have to do it while your still younge anoff
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