
TTC strike a crime against Torontonians ?

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TTC strike a crime against Torontonians ?




  1. The manner in which everything unfolded is just dirty. No notice, no warning, no time to prepare.

    It was dirty.  The TTC not only left hundreds of thousands of people stranded friday night, they failed to give the city time to make provisions for those people.

    The Stike was irresponsible, the strike was a cheap and dirty trick, It was a crime against Toronto.   The deal put forth last weeks was more than fair.   The TTC workers are more taken care of than 90% of us in the workforce.   I don't get 100% pay when on disability, I don't get pay increases just for showing up, I don't et a guarantee that if somebody in a comparable job gets a raise I do to, Actually I don't know of anybody else who does.

    The TTC abuses the fact that many epople rely upon them, the TTC is a needed serivce.  Levying your position in order to make unreasonable demands is childish, irresponsible and the entire reason why the Transit union needs to go

  2. Yes.  It's why public servants should not be permitted to strike.

  3. No, a crime is a federal offense. Labour situations are provincial jurisdiction and they were in a very legal position strike. It's just their METHOD that's driving everybody crazy. Plus, they're WAY overpaid for being high school drop-outs and graduates (even more than a university graduate) and they're still whining and complaining about "job security" and "disability" benefits. Hey, TTC, got news for you: NO job is secure, and even COPS get 75% disability pay; and their rookies make a full $7Gs LESS than TTC rookie employees! It's also their JOB to be in the line of fire!

    Do you know how many lifers at fast food joints who would KILL for your job? Be grateful, you selfish b******s...

  4. yes, it was !!! i know so many people who were stuck in downtown and all the other places bacause they werent warned about the strike(((

    honestly, for someone who sitts in a comfortable chair all day long and does no moving except for turning the wheel and giving out transits, ttc workers are so overpayed.

    and im sorry, but the fact that they want to retire at 55 is so rediculous..

    and holysh!t, im not gonna be surprised if now theyr gonna get assaulted (i think that was the problem with the last years strike?), i mean they left the whole toronto paralyzed!!!

  5. Yes it is a crime. They left thousands of people stranded at night - who thought the TTC was still operational.

    People may have been attacked/assaulted or worst because they were stranded in some place they dont know well, and had no way of getting home PAST midnight.

    Some of them may not have enough money for a cab, or did not have cabs come regularly where they were stranded.

    I think someone needs to be fired for this mess, and I hope its one of their facist leaders with their stirke tactics.

  6. Nice hat.

  7. Well they know what they have been doing and are already worried about payback or rebuttal from the public when they shut down stations and bus services last night. Whether it's a crime or not they could ask themselves and their conscience would give them the answer (if there are any conscience left there).

  8. I really don't blame the general public who assaults those stupid TTC workers. Seriously, it's just ridiculous. They are so overpaid for just sitting on their a.sses driving a d**n bus around. It's like they want to be paid $50 bucks an hour or something. They strike like every year cause they're so greedy and want more money. Like if they are so unhappy about how much they get paid, one would think that they would look for another job, but then again they are too dumb and they know that the amount they get paid they would never find that wage else where. They better make the TTC an essential service.

  9. it's not just a crime, its organized crime -- the worst kind.

    to make upwards of 26/hr to drive a bus is ridiculous, to make the same amount by sitting around and selling tickets is ludicrous. Those people are just CASHIERS, why does a cashier at Canadian Tire make $8/hr but a cashier at the TTC make 26/hr?

    And all of these excuses about 'abuse', so what now they have to drive a bus AND ignore people for 26/hr -- oh the injustice...

    as for the 'dangerous' nature of the work, cab drivers have it far worse and get paid far less, how many TTC workers were killed on the job last year? i rest my case.

    they make more money then people who suffer through tough university curriculums, engineers make less -- the people who spent their college years not sleeping and living off coffee reading and memorizing endless mechanical facts and figures -- the people who will be responsible for the advancement of technology make less then the people who coasted through highschool and had a month's worth of training to drive around the city.

    they go on strike every year demand more money and the city always caves in, what else can you call it, they are a mafia, a legalized mafia.

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