
TTC with #1!!!!!!!!!

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Did ne of you have the problem with your husbands loosing intrest in ttc after awhile because it was taking awhile to concieve?? If there is ne body like that what did you do to get him back into the whole thing? ( my husband still wants a baby but he is tired of TTC and he just wants it to happen already. Please Help!!! )




  1. YES!!! Try not to talk about it as much, thats what I did, and maybe just have s*x every ohter day or 3 times a week! I know its so so so hard, or keep his mind off of "trying" you can think about it all you, he will never know! :) I decided that I would just "say" we are just going to go with the flow, and that what we did, now he wants it every night..But dont worry he will get back in the swing of things, we are going on 12 months now and now luck! How long have you and your hubby been trying?

  2. Maybe your doctor can help you. Your doctor may be able to give you something to make it happen quicker or at least may be able to find out why it hasn't happened yet. Good luck.

  3. only advise would be to let it come naturally and not to worry when you worry is when the intrest is lost.

  4. I haven't personally been through your experience but I can imagine what you're going through.  It does sometimes almost feel like a job and puts a lot of stress on the whole s*x part.  Maybe make it interesting...change scenaries...remember some of his fav times having s*x and try to react them.  I hope it works cuz you never know how long that ttc road can be.  Baby dust to you

  5. I would suggest 'making love' rather than trying to 'make a baby'

    We have been TTC#1 for 7 months now and I've found that we are having more fun now, possibly then before.

    I have noticed that I'm going that extra mile to keep things fun and exciting..... try dressing up or playing games! I'm not usually into that stuff, but i decided that we needed to make it fun otherwise i was worried that it would get boring if we just stuck to 'making babies"

    Good luck, i wish you well!!
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