
Taco Bell Lady Friend?

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I really like taco bell. I go in it every so often. But its kinda sad cuz the taco bell lady already knows me and everything. One time, she even asked me if i lived closed by. The other she saw me walking from school, and even said hi (guessing she was off). I feel kind of pathetic for going in too much. Also isnt it a lil creepy?




  1. no its not. its your neighbor and your neighborhood. its a good thing.

    it isn't this way so much anymore, no one knows their neighbors or anything, everyone wants to be left alone.

    I think its nice of her and she is sweet and that is a restaurant you like and you have a friend kind of. I think its cool.

  2. I feel weird like that when I go to a restaraunt for the second time and they remember me... Hey - it's just friendly people. It's when they start screaming "She's back! Holy cow...", then you should consider changing places to eat.

  3. I think when dealing with the public you should be careful not to be overly chatty with customers.  It is off-putting.  I especially don't want the cashier to comment on what I am buying.   I hate meeting people I know in a retail situation.    It makes me want to go to those places where they have the robo cashiers where you don't actually have to deal with a human being.  Maybe I'm strange.  

    As for Taco Bell, it certainly isn't the best that fast food has to offer.  I like Mexican food but that stuff isn't Mexican food, it's dreck.

  4. Yes it is creepy. Taco Bell's food  to me is disgusting, because they aren't real taco's. I prefer home made :D

  5. I don't understand why you think it would be creepy for a person that you see on a regular basis to actually have the good manners to acknowledge you. Would you feel creeped out if another student had said "hi" to you or asked if you lived nearby?

    Most of us do spend too much time in fast food joints and we are normally appreciated by the employees if we treat them well and behave ourselves. Great friendships have begun in coffee shops and other hole in the wall joints. Don't let the fact that this woman works at Taco Bell make you feel like it's beneath you to be friendly with her.

  6. You've become a regular, I guess, at your local Taco Bell. Being a regular at a *restaurant* is usually seen as kind of a "cool" thing. However, being a regular at a Taco Bell...probably not good, considering how bad TB is for your body. Find a nice, local restaurant (that serves actual FOOD) and become a regular in a whole new place :)
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