
Take a look at their resume!?

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and then tell me who has more experience and who has done more.




  1. Palin governs Alaska thats about 2000 people :))

    Obama and Hillary are both Junior Senators meaning they have only been doing it for 2yrs

    so wait they have been running for office for that past year so this means that they have not been doing there duties cause the were to busy with the race so that would make them mini senators

    my answer is Hillary only cause she actualy set foot in the White house and would know what to expect

  2. 1st - Alaska has roughly 600,000 of the lowest populations of any US state.  Any mayor of a major US city would have more governing experience over a greater number of people and of a greater variety of backgrounds.

    2. Before that she was mayor of a small city - by NO means is her "executive" power an indiciation that she can handle governing on the national level.

    3.  She has virtually no foreign policy experience...unless you consider one small trip to Kuwait.  She has never been to Iraq and has very little knowledge if any on current Middle East issues that face the country.  If McCain could this woman POSSIBLY take over and lead our nation through a war...and don't even get me started on if she could catch Bin Laden!

    4.  She has almost no experience dealing with Washington!  Senator Obama, while you may argue that he wasn't always there or that he hasn't had a lot of experience in the Senate...he has still been in Washington...he knows the ropes...he knows some people and how Washtington works (without of course being totally steeped in its corruption).

  3. Looks to me like Palin has done more than both of the other two together in a shorter period of time if you dont count running a business with her husband and raising 5 kids.

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