
Take a vote on horses!?

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I am currently writing a paper on the differences, and similarities of throughbred races, and standard harness race horses. What would you say are some of the simalarities, and differences of the two? (Besides the track). How many people knew that there are similarities between the two? Most people I ask, they didnt know that there are simalarities. If you knew, please let me know. Thank You




  1. i dont know to much on h**e races, but i do know that the lighter the rider is the better the horse runs. also try typing similarities between the two types in google, or yahoo search engine

  2. Gess you Guys

    Ok harness racing is done with a breed Called STANDARD BREDS  

    AND they are very different Then T.B."S

    they have a pace or a gait that race horse's do Not have

    If they break in to a gallop or run they are disqualified

    Now T.b MEANING thoroughbreds) run ,,,Not pace or trot  in races

    Drivers are some times very heavy

    Race Flat riders Jockeys have a limit on their weight

    So they are 2 very different Breeds of Horses and completely different training . Trotters or pacers have a way of breaking  down with Bow tendons More then Flat  racer's =T,B,s \

    Now they all might have problems ,,But Harness racing is VERY HARD ON A HORSE'S EVEN WORSE THEN T.B.S Running as 3 yr olds or 2yr olds

    I hope this helped I have more information if you want

    But it seems like these guys don't know the difference

    They don't have similarities at all Except for the fact That they are horse's

    Most harness horses make GREAT RIDING horses with a great temperament and are very easy to train

    If you find one for sale like x harness horses and if it not broke down you have a great and smooth riding horse

    Most of the Amish use these horses,, They are not popular any more in the west

    But some has bred them to other's and made NEW NAMES FOR THEM Like the Rocky Mtn Horse !!

    Just a another fad ,,

  3. I agree with Ashley !

  4. They are many differences and similarities...


    -(T) Jockeys ride on the horse

    (H) Jockeys ride behind the horse on sulkies

    -They use different whips

    -(T) Wears a sadle

    -Run at different times during the race tracks seasons

    -Racing eqiupment

    -(T) Start from breaking behind a gate

    -(H) Start from a motorized starting gate


    -They are all competing and it is still a race


    -Train the same way

    Ill keep thinking of more!!

  5. Differences:

    -(T) Jockeys ride on the horse

    (H) Jockeys ride behind the horse on sulkies

    -They use different whips

    -(T) Wears a sadle

    -Run at different times during the race tracks seasons

    -Racing eqiupment

    -(T) Start from breaking behind a gate

    -(H) Start from a motorized starting gate


    -They are all competing and it is still a race


    -Train the same way

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