
Taking a pregnancy test?

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I have irregular periods, sometimes I go months without it, I had intercourse(unprotected) last night and I ending my period today. how long should I wait before taking a test?




  1. You should give your body at least two weeks after conception

  2. You should probably wait at least two-three weeks before taking it. Chances are that a positive will not come back until 3-4 days before your next period. IF you do take one, take it first thing in the morning, You will have better chance of getting the right answer.

  3. If it was just yesterday you should really try and go to planned parenthood and get an emergency contraceptive.

    Good luck.

  4. You should wait at least two weeks before taking the test.  Contrary to what others may say if your pregnant it will likely show up then.  Also you may have already started ovulating before your period (or flow at least) was over, especially the last day.  I tried to conceive for one year and the doc told me to start "trying" 9 days after the first day of my period even if I still had flow, which I did, and it worked.  So, take the test in a couple of weeks and see what turns up.  I hope it works out with what you want.

  5. It depends on the test, but it is best to wait a couple of weeks. No matter when you take the test, if it is positive then you are definitely pregnant. There is no such thing as a false positive, only a false negative. So you can take the test whenever you want, but it may not show up for a couple of weeks so I would wait until then. If after 14-21 days or so you are negative, you probably are not pregnant.

  6. if you were on periods, and they ended today, close to no chance to be pregnant... periods are the way for the body to expulse the egg... so it's already too late for pregnancy... 3 days before periods is about the delay...

  7. Most likely if you had s*x while still on your period or right after, you won't be pregnant. It's not impossible. Give it a good 2.5-3 weeks before you test if you really think you are pregnant. Im doubting you are though.

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