
Talk to the girl again ? ?

by  |  earlier

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theres this girl i know and we've been friends for 2 years(at one point we use to like each other) and this year we were kinda distant from each other but i lost her number so i couldnt call her after school or nothing but we tal ksometimes in school cause iwas always busy, so should i add her on Myspace then ask for her number again so we can hang out sometime? or just forget her




  1. Since you were good friends, and even more at one point, then I don't think that you should forget about her. Try to get closer to her again, it could just save your friendship. Just a tip: maybe you should ask her for her number in person if you have the time, it might make her feel like you really want to be close friends with her again!

  2. yup, why not everybody has people that they dont even know on there myspace. why not ur friend that you've known for so long...i dont think she will think anything of it

  3. well yeah u shou;ld add her on myspace but i warn u since u guys have liked each other at soem point she's going to think u like her more then freinds.. unlsee thats wat u want..

    if u want to be freinds just tell her u lost her number or u can just take it from some1 else.. or play with her phone in class or something and take her number and not mension u lost her number..  

  4. Don't walk backwards into your own ****!

  5. man u gotta go for it escpecially if u still like her becuz she mite still like you. and never give up i got rejected by my current gf like idk mabey 5 or 6 times b4 we went out so if u wanna go out with her dont give up either

  6. Go for it

  7. ask for her myspace. and hang out again.

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