
Tang soo do/tae kwon do?

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What is the difference between Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwon Do?




  1. tang soo do was the original name for tkd around the time it came from korea across the globe. it meant the way of the china hand. due to korean dissent of former chinese rule they didnt like calling it that so some schools started calling it tae kwon do, way of of the hand and foot.

  2. google it.

  3. Tang Soo Do is like a break off from TKD if that makes sense. TKD is a lot better.

  4. actually chung do kwan IS taekwondo, to whoever said that.

    tang soo do IS NOT a break off of taekwondo.

    tang soo do is indeed the korean pronunciation of karate do. before "taekwondo" the korean versions of karate went by various names, tang soo, soo bahk, tae soo...etc.

    around 1955 there was a meeting where everyone (almost) agreed to call their art signify it as a unique korean martial art.

    taekwondo is based on shotokan karate. so is tang soo do/soo bahk do.

    however tang soo/soo bahk is still very much...even almost identical to shotokan karate. but with the addition of korean kicking techniques from an art called tae kyon.

    taekwondo is not one specific art...but many that are taught under the umbrella term "taekwondo" ...there is songham tkd, chung do kwan, moo duk kwan...etc (moo duk kwan also has tang soo do.) ..etc etc.

    the forms are different. the strategy between the two are probably very similar.

    put a taekwondo guy in a fight with a tang soo do guy and you'll have a hard time distinguishing between the two of them.

    suffice to say, they are both based on...and korean versions of japanese karate. which is a version of okinawan karate. which was heavily influenced by chinese martial arts.

    over time, any art, from any country evolves and adapts to its culture, making them all similar to an extent...but also different and unique to an extent.

  5. Chung Do Kwan is not Taekwondo Bujinkan ninja, do your reasearch!

    now to answer your question.............

    Tang Soo Do: Means "Karate-do" in korean, so really it is karate. in karate the fight style is 50-50, wich means you use kicks and punches almost equaly but htey also teach you joint locks and throws.

    Taekwondo: Means "the way of the hand and foot" and you use mostly your feet to fight. the logic in this is that your feet have the longest reach and are the most powerful weapons in your body. The fighting style in taekwondo is is pretty much 80 percent feet and 20 percent punches. no throws or joint locks are taught, unless hapkido is taught with taekwondo, and hapkido in taekwondo is actually very common. WTF and ITF taekwondo are the only two real international federations (WTF can take you to the olympics if you qualify). Taekwondo is one of the martial art styles which teaches most of the kicks in the world and it is highly popular.

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