
Tank Question ???????

by  |  earlier

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just wanted to know the size of the tank you have and the fish you in there





  1. 30 gal tall and 3 fancy goldfish.

  2. 100 gallon   breeding pair of featherfin synodontis catfish

    40  gallon    neon tetras, livebearing killifish and pink hardy water lily

    29  gallon    8 black marble angel fish

    24  gallon    3 electric blue peacock cichlids, female kribensis, male    

                      neolamprologus brichardi, senegal bichur

    24  gallon    school of red rasboras, endlers and male fancy guppies,

                      marble hatchetfish, blue half moon betta, multicolor crown        

                      tail betta, red cambodia double tail betta (2 bettas are in a

                      divided barracks hanging inside the tank)

    18  gallon    cherry shrimp, mystery snails, ramshorn snails

    10  gallon    breeding pair of neolamprologus brichardi with 30 babies

    5    gallon    hex tank with baby angel fish alvins

    6    cup containers of microworms

  3. 29 gallon regular [not long or tall].

    I have three, 3" fancies- two fantails and a black moor.

    As well as a 5" shubunkin, which we are trying to relocate as soon as possible.

    We're upgrading to a 75 gallon wave-front tank within the year and we hope to keep our three fancies as well as adding a Ryukin and an Oranda.

    Clean it twice a week with a gravel vac and do 25% water changes.

    Filter pad is changed every other week and we have a 60 gallon air pump running two air stones and soon to be a pirate ship bubbler.

  4. i have a 20 gallon high with a paradise fish, blackskirt tetras, neon tetras, cherry barbs, sunburst glofish, swordtail, raphael catfish

    3 gallon (filtered) - female betta

    1.5 gallon (filtered) - male betta

    and i just thought id point out, nobody that has answered thus far has had a saltwater tank.....weird

  5. In my 5 Gallon- 1 Fiddler Crab

    In my 55 gallon-

    2 Blood Parrot Cichlids

    3 Jellybean Cichlids

    9 Tiger Barbs

    6 Black Skirt Tetras

    2 Albino Cory pic of them yet....wont' sit still....turds..

    Coming Soon-

    3-4 Clown Loaches.

  6. 120 gallon Amazon/Discus/Planted

    60 Gallon Amazon/Angels/Planted

    80 Gallon rift valley

    30 Gallon Platies

    20 Gallon Quarantine

  7. I've got a twenty gallon with quite a bit of fish in it... From an angel fish, to tetras and guppies. They are happy fish. =) (I think this was your question. Oh well. 2 points)

  8. pretty much anything from a 1 gallon with some small corals and a hermit crab, to a 75 gallon with an oscar

    I'm really hoping on getting a 125 or a 210 sometime remotely soon

    until that day.....

    how the **** can you get a thumbs down?

  9. 10 gallon tank with 2 black kuhlii loaches, 2 african dwarf frogs, 1 rubberlip pleco, 1 female betta, and 3 corys.

    Soon getting a 25 gallon tank for a zebra cichlid (aka. convict cichlid).

  10. 55 gallon with fancy goldfish, 30 gallon with mollies, swords and platies, 20 gallon of fancy guppies, 5 gallon with one male betta.


  11. 4x 2gallons with betta

    1x 3 gallons with 2 baby goldfish (We are going to change this aquarium for bigger one soon)

    1x 5 gallons with nothing ....

  12. 2 tanks:

    1. 10 Gallon Tank with Dalmatian Molly, Swordtail, Two Guppies, and a baby Molly.

    2. 45 Gallon with 4 Dwarf Gouramis, 1 Gourami, 1 Betta, 2 Rainbowfish and hopefully more soon.

  13. 60L, 6 neon tetra 3 Kuli loaches and a male Betta  

  14. I have:

    1) 5 gallon with one male betta and some ghost shrimp (Pierre)

    2) 3 gallon with one female betta (Daisy Mae)

    3) 45 gallon with three goldfish (Huey, Dewey and Louie)

    They are all very happy fish :D

  15. 32 gallon tank 3 common 3 inch goldfish

    90 gallon pond 6 koi 2.5-9 inch and 3 common goldfish 3-5.5

    all feeder fish  

  16. i have a 350 gallon tank i have 21 neon tetras,4 rasbarios,4 danios,1 kissing gourmi,30 swordtails,50 guppie/endlers,14 mollies,8 platies,3 loaches,1 catfish 5 plecs,6 corydoras,1 african frog,loads of plants/ornaments  

  17. 55 gallon with a albino zebra cichlid, 2 mayan cichlids , a purple cichlid and a sucker fish., a 163 gallon pond with about 7 goldfish and 2 shubunkins a sucker fish. A 5 gallons with a betta, 3 betta bowls, 2.5 gallons soon going to  a 10 gallon. a 5 gallon with a couple tiny mayan cichlid fry. a 10 gallon with 2 baby parrot fish soon goingto a 20. a 40 gallon with a mayan cichlid and lastly (out of breath) another 40 with lake minnows.
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