
Target Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN?

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Do you or does someone you know work here?

I'm a marketing major and would LOVE to work for this company! Any information appreciated,





  1. You and me both!  I'm trying to get a job there, too.  There isn't too much open right now, but you should try and get to someone in HR if you can.  

    One of my friends from college is a Business Analyst there (where most marketing majors start out) and she has had nothing but wonderful things to say about working there.  I don't know if you are from Mpls or would be relocating there, but she moved cross-country and has not regretted it for one second.  

    Check the website and see what's new.  (I've been doing that almost daily).  Even if you can get one of the internships (I think they've got a Business Analyst 10-week internship posted right now) you'll be in good shape.  The internship will give you a good feel for the company and its functional areas and which one you would possibly want to be a part of.  

    Get a portfolio together of any outstanding accomplishments you have from undergrad.  Did you do a killer business plan for a senior thesis project?  Participate in creating a new organization/nonprofit that benefitted your campus?  Make a "brag book" with your work and be sure to mention it in a cover letter when you make your profile at  

    Also, I recently read the book "What color is your Parachute?"  It has some good exercises for you to get your skills and interests mapped out, and will give you some hints for approaching your job search.  

    Good luck, and maybe we'll both get lucky and get jobs!

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