
Taste buds changing after baby?

by  |  earlier

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i used to enjoy a glass of white merlot every now and then before i had olivia...when i ordered a glass of wine at dinner the other night it seemed sooo strong i couldnt finish it! has this happened to anybody else? not just with wine, but any other food?




  1. Yes, before I was pregnant I loved onions on everything.  I could eat them raw, or even cooked with chicken.  I had mornig sickness so bad that I could not eat while pregnant.  After my daughter was born I ate a cheeseburger and put onions on it, and the onions made me sick.

  2. I just gave birth to my little girl July 19 and I have not eaten a full meal in over 3 weeks now.  I have come to understand from my doctor as well as other forums online, that it is normal to have a change of appetite as well as taste.  I have been craving the meals that I have been able to eat.  Again this is after delivery.  This is normal, things that you normally had a taste for, you may lose.  

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