
Tasteless carrots!!!?

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Has anyone else noticed that carrots are tasteless at the moment - I have bought carrots organically, from different supermarkets and grocers shops and recently they have ALL been tasteless. I eat about 3kg of raw carrots a week so consider myself to be an expert on raw carrots! Where have all the tasty ones gone? Is it the time of year?




  1. i hate carrots

  2. organic carrots taste like that a lot of the time

  3. try growing some of your own - i do and they are SSOOOO tasty! x

    or look round food markets, for "homegrown"  or "local" produce.

    we never eat veg from the supermarket - its pointless. it all look the right shape and colour, but as you know, no taste!

    good luck! x

  4. A lot of veg these days seem to be tasteless. I would have thought they would be more tasty at this time of the year.

  5. Carrots have been fine for me.

  6. it could be because they are still the carrots from last year and after beeing stored so long they've lost their flavor. It's carrot season now, so soon you should be able to buy sweet juicy carrots again

  7. Perhaps it's the area that you're in at the moment, I've bought two 5lb. bags for juicing and they were super sweet and yummy.

  8. the bunny's are eating them!! the get first picks!

  9. Modern varieties of vegetables are produced for their size and looks not taste. So when you walk down the supermarket aisles you want to buy. They are uder special lighting and sprayed at regular intervals whith a fine water mist.

    If you can find someone growing old varieties, do so, they taste great!

    Your local garden centre or garden club might help you.

    In the UK I understand there are people selling seeds of old varieties but under EU direction they have to state that  seeds are for test purposes, to make it legal or face huge fines.

    Meat also is under special  lighting and sprayed with a red dye. Buy some mince scrape away the top quarter of an inch and find it is a different colour underneath.

  10. No I have not noticed.

  11. No, not where I live anyway. They're as tasty as ever here (West Riding of Yorkshire). Maybe it's not as good a year for carrots where your carrots have come from?

  12. have you tried putting some sugar into the water when you boil them and put them in a k**b  butter when they are cooked

  13. i just mix them all in together with differnt veg in vege stock, gravy, tomato sauce with lots of herbs and it tastes alright

  14. I totally agree!  My silly dog likes carrots - always helps herself to one when I buy them.  Bought some last Friday and she didn't take one out of the veg rack like she normally does and even when I offered her one she didn't want to know!

  15. I have been making carrot soup, very tasty. You should try and buy your carrots local and organic.

  16. Yes, I've noticed! They seem to have a chemical, metallic aftertaste. Not very nice. It's best to buy produce that's in season.

    I know it's a cliche but organic carrots are so much better, especially if they're from Marks & Spencers.

    I live in the UK though, maybe it's just a British thing.

  17. Carrots aren't in season in Europe at the moment so maybe that's it. I'm with Hollywood on the organic food tho it's so much better and flavourful

  18. No, mine have been just fine. I buy baby carrots and roast them until they caramelize slightly. This releases the sugars and they taste great without salt or anything.

    Please be sure to choose a best answer or Maria/Peace will vote herself 8+ times for it. Thanks.

  19. It's the time of year. Now that it's growing season we'll all have tastey Fruits and veg soon!

  20. My carrots taste the same way they always have....

  21. my carrots taste nice :)

    but maybe its differnet because i might not be in the same region as you.

  22. it might depend on where you're located.....i'm in the USA and our carrots have been just fine i think (judging by my uneducated palate, lol)

    i have noticed that my veggies are spoiling more quickly than usually though, and that is disappointing.  we also just had a tomato scare here where people were contracting salmonella bacteria from them.  i need to find a grocery that stocks better quality veggies =P
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