
Tattoo on my standard bred mare?

by  |  earlier

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my dad bought a standard bred mare last year and we just noticed that her upper lip is tatooed she was a retired race horse ans then we bought her from the amish and we were wondering if we could get her papers with the tatoo number if so how? ( we havent ever delt with standrd bred just quarter horses and tennessee walkers so i dont know much about tatooing)




  1. i got a ex racehorse and called up the jockey club with his number and they gave me some website that you can get a free report of this race records and stuff

    you can also tell the age of the horse by the first letter of its tattoo...each letter corresponds with the year that they are born  

  2. all racehorses have an tatoo to indentify them each racehorse has a diffrent one and all racehorses myst have one

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