
Tattooed eyebrows????

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking of getting my eyebrows tattooed. I asked my mom, if I can tattoo them for my birthday. In which I will be turning 15. She said she will allow me to. My question is, If its appropriate for a 15 year old to have tattooed eyebrows? & Is it painful? How long do they last? & Do your eyebrows grow out back after while? When your eyebrows grow out back, do they grow back out of shape?




  1. no no no no  don't do it!!!! Go to a professional and have her do your eyebrows- get them shaped and waxed- you will regret having them tattooed- you are too young and you are still growing- don't make that mistake!!!

  2. dont do that. thats disturbing...

  3. I don't think it looks good and it do think it's not appropriate for a 15 year old.

  4. i dont think you should.... i think it would look akward on someone so young.. and people whould be saying- what was her mother thinking. But its really up to you. Yes your hair grows back and it will be the same as it always was.

  5. NO !

  6. don't do it, it looks weird, and you have it for the rest of your life. like, even when you're an old lady, you'll have tatooed eyebrows. it's weird.

    just have normal eyebrows, and if you don't like the shape, get them waxed.

  7. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wat is WRONG WITH UR MOM!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?! it is NOT apporpate at ALL. i am 12 and I WOULD NOT WANT THEM EVER!!!!!!!! its permanant and for a while u'll love them but then u;'ll regret u EVERY DID IT!!!!!!! it is painful and what happens when u r 80 yrs old and a shiryly old prune. how would that look like?!?!?!?!? the rem,oval is harder then GETTING the tattoo!!!! listen 2 me and every1 else!!

  8. That is RIDICULOUS. In all my life, I have never seen a person with tattooed/drawn on eyebrows that actually looked good. Stick with your natural's so much prettier. Don't you know a tattoo lasts forever? Like until you die?

  9. ew! omg! seriously..... dont do it. not only does it look really really weird... but its MAD close to your head... its your forehead... i dont think that yo would want to risk loosing TOO much blood up there... or having a needle hit something important. OMG! dont do it. it depends on the person for it to b "appropriate" and ITS PERMANANT!!!! and its EXTREAMLY PAINFULL! ugh... dont do it.


  10. Look anything that is tattooed is permanent. I know a girl that went into the Army and had her eyeliner done as a tattoo because the Army basic training didn't allow makeup and it looked great. Just make sure that you are dealing with a great tattoo artist because Sweetheart that is your face and if it gets screwed up..........
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