
Tax in buying in walmart.?

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ok i live in canada, if im going to buy something at walmart lets say its a 50$ tagged priced hardware set, would i pay simply 50$ at the cashier or would they charge me the + tax? if there would be tax, how much is it in percentage. im just new to this place and i want know how things work in here.




  1. You will be charged $50 plus the federal goods and services tax (PST) of 5% and the provincial sales tax (PST) of various rates depending on which province the walmart is located - 0% in alberta to 10% in PEI, while NB, NF and NS have the harmonized sales tax (combined gst & pst) of 13%.  In Quebec, the PST rate is 7%.  However, the Quebec PST is also applied to the federal 5% GST so effectively 7.875%.  Therefore, the combined PST & GST is 12.875%.  

    In Ontario, the combined GST & PST is 13% (5%+8%).

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