
Teacher/Student Privacy?

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Alright I have this project in my World History class. It's about a time line of my life. I understand how the time line is part of World History but I don't see how my personal life is part of it. I don't think I should be obligated to do this assignment due to the privacy of MY life. It's in the Bill of Rights that I do have the right to privacy.




  1. I agree with the people who say to just make things up.  The only reason teachers assign projects and written work like essays is to make sure students understand the concepts.  You can write an essay in an English class that is entirely made up, but as long as you express understanding of the target concepts you'll get an A.  The same is true in any project.

  2. I wouldn't make things up...that will be obvious to the teacher. You call this first a project, how big does it have to be? A lot of teachers have students make a life timeline and it's only a graph of some sort with maybe some pics.  You can describe events in your life that are not deeply personal and it would be acceptable.  If you are that worried about telling anything at all about yourself, then ask your teacher if you can do an alternate assignment, such as a timeline of a person you admire from history.

    Most students love doing this sort of classwork that has relevancy to their own lives. Is there something going on in your life that you are afraid of?

    (BTW, the Bill of Rights doesn't really cover this type of school project-you are overreacting.) If your teacher asks you to do an assignment, and it is reasonable, which this certainly would be, you have to do the work. I may also add, you would be surprised how much personal information your school file has on you..and that info has been read by everyone of your teachers, the principal and special ed teachers, if applicable.  

  3. sure you have rights.

    You also have to do the work to get the grade. So - stand up for your rights and fail.

    not the best way to start the school year. Do the assignment.  

  4. If you're that worried, change the details. What do you think the teacher's going to do with the boring events of your life.

    The best way to teach and ensure that kids understand the linear quality of history, a self time-line is almost always used. All around the world kids trust their teachers and fellow students enough to plot on a line when they were born, when they started school, etc.

    Once again, if you are really worried, lie.

  5. If you don't want to tell them what's happened in your life then make it up. Put down fake stuff.

    Seriously, you sound like a freshman who wants to look 'cool' and prove the teacher wrong. Honestly, just do your work. It's not going to hurt you.

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