
Teacher is "looking" at us!!??

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This one substitute at m,y middle school is really starting to freak me out, and every else in the 6th grade! Let's me tell you some stories of what he does,

1. One girl went up to ask him a question and he said that she has a nice "Form" as in body form!

2) He told my friend her eyes "sparkle"

3)He told one girl to stand on a desk for silent speed ball, and he pretended to drop a pen and when he was about to stand up he looked up her skirt.

4!!! When I asked him a question he looked at my chest!

We already told a teacher that we all trust, and she said she would take care of it.. but she didn't!

Does anyone know what I should do?? And do you know any sights that you veiw criminal records for FREE!!?! Thanks




  1. isn't that like sexual harrassment. and can't u like file a report for that. And i'm sure your teacher is working on it but it juts takes some time to prove.

  2. If you are truely concerned then ask to see the principal. Are you sure "form" meant body and not her writing? Complementing eyes is a nice thing. Would you care if a female said it? Some things can be taken the wrong way. But you are concerned so it is worth mentioning. You have every right to go talk to the principal how you feel

  3. Tell the principal.

  4. I think you may be a little paranoid.

  5. What county and state are you in? Google the county and state and it should give you the court clerk record site.

    As for your teacher, go to his boss.. Not his collegue. Either that or tell your parent(s) I'm sure they wouldn't want anyone pervertive around their children. They'll do something.

  6. You should mention the teacher's behavior to your parents and to the school counselor as well.

    Depending on what state you live in, you might have internet access to a "Megan's Law" website which will publish information on convicted s*x offenders.  But it is unlikely a school would hire a teacher with a criminal background.

  7. hey!

    i think that you should talk again to the teacher, you trst, or even to the principal if the teacher continues doing this.

    if no one does anything, talks to your PARENTS about it, they are here for that.

    And if no oes does anything by now, just talk to the teacher himself, and as him.

    hope it helped,



  8. How do you know the teacher you trust isn't taking care of it?

    These things take a long time to prove or to do anything about. Ask that teacher again, because it's quite possible that they are working hard to get something done.

  9. Thats how one of my teachers is.He's the gym teacher,and when we take showers,he* is peaking in the girls(and boys) lockers to see if we are behaving correctly.And he has accedently touched people, maybe hit there butt, or b*****s.

    We told a teacher,but are school doesnt have enough money to fire him,and replace him.Maybe thats whats going on with your school.

    but he will be gone..hes a sub!

  10. Take it to councilors parents even courts have a camera phone use it for proof.

  11. Tell every teacher, counselor and principle in the school....also tell the parents and the police!!

    You can view the national s*x offender registry at  Once you click on "agree" and enter the code that's shown, you can search by state.

  12. Everyone involve must talk to their parents about what happened and who is affected or involved, Let all the parents get together to discuss how to tackle this and approach the school in one voice. I think you have to pay and be a registered employer or so to be able to view anyone's criminal record, I think there is also a fee to do this.  Check your local library on the process of how to do this.

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