
Teachers, a question:?

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Do you have (a) favorite student(s)? If so, what makes them your favorite? Do you treat them differently from other students? How so?

I know teachers aren't supposed to have favorites but I'm just wondering if they wind up having them anyway.




  1. It's not necessarily that we have favorite students, its just some students stand out more. There is not one particular thing that may make a student stand out. However, it is usually a student that you have made a connection with. Sometimes it may be the student that you really had to work hard with or the student that comes in every morning with a smile on his/her face. It really differs with each teacher and each class. I never treat them differently, they get praised like the other students and punished like the other students. The only way they may get treated differently is I may talk to them a little extra during recess. In my class, everyone is treated about the same.

  2. I don't really think about students as favorites.  Some students are more enjoyable to work with than others, just as you will find out in the workplace that some coworkers are more enjoyable to work with than others.  I find it more pleasant to work with people (students, coworkers) who are positive, productive, cooperative, and friendly.

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  3. In theory, teachers shouldn't have favorites. However, the reality is, we do. There are students you enjoy having in class more, or challenging kids you just adore. It all depends on the teacher what is a favorite. Teacher's pets are usually not the favorite.

    All my students get treated differently. Based on their needs and skills, some need more love. Some need extra attention or modified behavioral expectations. It appears unfair to some students, but they quickly realize fair does not always mean identical.

    I hope I do not give kids unfair advantage or treatment, but only an outside observer could truly say for sure. I know the kids who are eager or ask for help get more attention from me than the kids who intentionally avoid working with me. If I am unfair to a group, it is the middle kids (the shy ones that do their work and kind of blend into the crowd unnoticed). They tend to get less praise or attention from teachers as the outgoing and very challenging kids.

  4. see i dont hav favourite student its only tht some r more good in studies tht it  everybody is equally

  5. Yes we do. I know it's not the right answer, but it's true and every honest teacher will tell you the same. I find each year that I have the one student that stands out from the rest to me. It is always for a different reason, though. It's not necessarily the "teacher's pet". In fact, I can only recall one student of that nature that would have been my favorite. It's usually one that I share a common interest with, or who tries really hard, or has a good sense of humor and a positive attitude. However, I make a point to never let on to that student or any other student that he or she is my "favorite". I can say honestly I have always liked almost 100% of my students and that makes it easy to treat each one like a favorite.

  6. I truly love my job so I would say my job makes them all my favorites.  I do think that you definitely have students you connect with more than others.  As far as adjusting the rules, no way.

  7. Nope I do not have a favorite student. They are all wonderfu induvisuals. I treat them all the same and nobody gets to do anything different, easier or harder than the other students.

  8. Ok seriously people!!! Yeah we would like to think that all our students are our favorites and that we truely treat every single student exactly the same but theres always at least one student in your teaching career that stands out in a good way.  That student would be our favorite.  You might not ever label them as such but in essence they would indeed be your favorite.  Now I do agree that a student stands out because you just connect with them or things of that nature but there's always select students that maybe get asked to do things a lil more often or you don't get as mad when they do something off task or put a smile on your face or whatever the case may be.  Now these students might not ever know it and your actions might not ever show it but inside we know the truth.
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