
Teachers, do you...?

by Guest44998  |  earlier

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... Ask other teachers about your students when you get a new class?

I've always kind of wondered this ... it somehow seems like my science teachers always seem to know what I'm like really quickly and I've always kind of wondered how.

And also, I'm just curious. :]




  1. Many teachers do, but not all.  I personally ask people not to tell me.  I've found that students react differently to different teachers.  I've had some who were a huge problem in other classes, but were never a problem at all for me - and vice versa.  I prefer to form my opinions based on their actions - not based on someone else's observations.

  2. lol You must be new at teaching.

    Kids are like clones, you won't even know that they are different.

    There are about 10 different personality types and you'll catch on to who they are soon enough.

  3. well it's because we've seen you ALL before - there's no one new and it's easy to catch on which SORT you are!  Students always seem to think they're unique - but it's soooooooo easy to make up you're mind about a student with a week!!

    And I don't want to know what a student's like - I much prefer to have unbiaised information and make up my own mind.

  4. yea, we discuss students. its good to know what  to expect, especially if the student is troublesome. Its good to know who the well behaved kids are too.

  5. I generally don't ask other teachers about my students but sometimes if I'm having particular difficulties, I will ask. I ask because I need to know if this is a sudden change in behavior, or is this child always like this? Does the child do this in all classes or only mine? What ways have other teachers found effective in redirecting  the child from inappropriate behaviors. I ask so I can help my students not just to have a gab fest in which we dog the students.

  6. Yes, a lot of teachers do this. They do this, not to gossip, but to get a handle on any special needs of students, and to get an idea of how to approach a class.

  7. Just like kids, teachers gossip and talk about their students.  If you are a good student it's not bad but for the kids who are troublemakers or poor students or lazy it's a bit hard to get over that impression.

  8. same here, ive always wondered that. all the annoying kids are usually the ones watched the closest on the first day, and they've never met. its weird.
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